C H A P T E R: 17

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"I... want you to tell.. Eleven. I want you to tell her... everything you see," Vecna tells to Cyra. She shakes her head but suddenly she starts seeing these visions. 

She see the world crumbling in Hawkins. It seems like its on fire. 

"No!" She yells at him. 

"Tell her.." 

She see everything being destroyed. My friends dying... Eddie dying.. Steve dying. 

"NO!" She screams as he continues to throw these images into her mind. 

She gasps and step back, falling onto the floor.  

Hey! Cyra! it's ok, calm down. I'm here," She felt arms around her and her vision suddenly gets less blurry, and see Eddie holding onto her. 

She had tears in my eyes as she pulled Eddie into a hug. Holding onto him hoping he would never let go. 

"I thought I lost you," He said as he cradled her into his chest. Her heart was still racing and tears still ran down her face as she looks up to the group.


The group sat in Max's Trailer as everyone gathers around to listen to Cyra. 

"He showed me things that haven't happened yet. Things that have also... happened...," She says, my voice hoarse, "The most awful things. I saw a dark cloud spreading over Hawkins. Downtown on fire. Dead people everywhere. And this... giant creature with.. a gaping mouth," Everyone stared at her with no words. 

"And this creature wasn't alone. There were so many monsters.. and I was one of them. I don't think he let me live to tell you guys what I saw but I think he has a plan for me," She tells them. She saw a vision that had her hurting her friends... but it wasn't free will. 

"Okay.. but he's just trying to scare you, right? I mean it's not real," Steve tells her. She shakes her head. 

"I know, Steve. I remember... he made me remember," Cyra gives him a look and he realizes what she means. He shakes his head immediately. 

"You're not the monster, Cyra. What he showed you wasn't your fault. You're still my family no matter what. And even if 9-year-old me hated you with all my guts, he had no idea what an amazing little sister he was gonna have later on," 

"Wait.. what's going on?" Nancy asks. Steve looks up at everyone as Cyra looks up at Eddie. 

"I'm adopted," Cyra said. "I killed my mother when I was 7. I ran away and she found me outside of the woods. We were walking back home and then suddenly she gets dragged into the woods... Vecna killed her," Cyra tells them. "I need some air," 

Cyra gets up and goes outside. Everyone inside had continued on trying to find a way to save themselves. 

"Hey.." A voice says behind her. She turns around and sees Eddie.

"Hey," She says back.

"Did I do something?" He asks. She looks at him for a moment and then bursts out laughing. He looks at her in confusion. 

"I'm.. sorry. I'm sorry," She says still laughing but it wasn't a happy laugh but more of a manic laugh. "It's just... oh my god... I just can't believe this is my life. I am running from a burnt man who has some ego problem, I just had all my memories given back to me and I remember I'm adopted, and now I have screwed up everything with you," Cyra had tears falling down her face instead of laughing. 

"You haven't lost me. Just because you ignored me for a day doesn't mean you lost me. I want you to know Cyra that I have never seen someone as gorgeous as you and as smart as you. You have been so strong through everything and now you have even more on your plate. I may not be the richest man you can find and someone who can provide you everything but I want to be with you. You have been the only thing on my mind. I want you Cyra and I know where young but I want to get out of this town and we go to Vegas and get married because I can't see my life without you in it and I don't think I could live without you in it," He walked up to her and held her face as she stared into his eyes.

"Yes. Yes, I'll marry you," She told him and all he could do was kiss her. After a moment between each other, they headed back inside and held the group but never left each other's side anymore. 


The group had let them in on their plan and now they were adding another crime to the list of felonies they all already had. 

They all followed Eddie, wearing a Micheal Myers mask, behind the trailers. They managed to run behind it without being seen by the owners and Eddie opens the back window. 

Everyone helps someone else in as they all piled into the RV. Cyra watched Eddie grab the wires from underneath the steering wheel and Steve watches over his shoulder. 

"Where'd you learn how to do this?" Cyra asked him. He almost looked disappointed telling her why.

"Well, when they other days were teaching their kids how to fish or play ball, my old ma as teaching me how to hot-wire," Eddie says while messing with the wires," Now I swore I wouldn't wind up like him but now I'm wanted for murder and soon, grand theft auto. So, uh, I'm really living up to that Munson name," 

"Well... at least you're hot," Cyra tells him. 

"Thanks, Sweetheart," He smiles at her for a moment when Robin interrupts. 

"Uh, Eddie, I'm not living the idea of you driving," Robin says. 

"Oh, I'm just starting this sucker. Harrington's got her. Don't ya, big boy?" He says while patting Cyra's brother on the chest.

As the car starts, music blasts, and the owners start banging on the door. After a few minutes of getting out on the road, it had calmed down. 


Suddenly the door flys open. "We gotta go," Steve says. 

"Your old friends are here," Erica says.

"Shit," Lucas exclaims.

We drive in silence to the Creel house, mentally preparing ourselves for the battle that was ahead. Cyra looked outside while Eddie was holding onto her and they both saw the Creel House. Erica, Lucas, and Max all hopped out of the car. Suddenly it felt like all there chances to win were slipping out of there hands.

M O X I E - E. MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now