C H A P T E R: 13

107 5 0

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  XIII  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Also don't mind the fact that I changed the POV mid sentence, be lucky that im updating lol

We had been sitting there for awhile. I had been somewhat listening to everyone as I sat next to Steve. Steve wouldn't let out of his sight and Eddie had been sitting at my other side. Suddenly Cyra looked up to see Dustin walking back and forth.

"Uhh... whats up with Dustin?" She whispered to Eddie. Eddie looked over with a confused look on his face.

"Hey,uh, Henderson's not cursed, is he?" Eddie asks as Dustin stops as he's faced the other way.

"Cursed? No, no. He's fine," Steve pauses for a moment while looking at Dustin. "Mental? Absolutely," Cyra rolls her eyes at him but gets scared as Dustin yells.

"BOOM!" Dustin screams. Everyone turns around to look at him. "Bada... bada... boom," he says while pointing at Steve.

Cyra leans over slowly to Eddie and whispers " I thought the saying was 'Bada bing, Bada boom?" Eddie laughs at this and puts his arm around her shoulder. 

"I was right. Skull rock was north," Dustin says to Steve.

"Seriously? You're serious?" Steve asks sarcastically. As those two banter. Cyra gets up and looks around. Eddie gets up with her to make sure she's ok.

"Are you ok?" He asks her. She just nods. There's a ringing in her right ear but she ignores it. She zones back into the conversation with the others.

Everyone starts walking away and she follows along.


Meanwhile... at a town meeting.

Jason had been walking towards the doors to the hall where everyone was. He had information that would shock the town. Not only had Eddie been apart of this but Cyra Harrington was also.

"I understand your all upset but we will find him!" the sheriff yells over everyone.

"No!" Jason yells. Everyone falls silent. Everyone turns around to see Jason and his friends standing together. "You won't,"

"Jason. Son, how about we talk about this in private?" The sheriff tells him. Jason had always had anger issues but now he was off the rails.

"Why? So you can keep me quiet? So you can keep the truth from coming out?" Slowly everyone was getting more curious. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I can't bear to listen to any more excuses and lies,"

"Thats enough!" The sheriff yells.

"I agree, I've had enough!" Jason yells back. A few people in the crowd agree. "In fact, everyones had enough," Suddenly everyone starts agreeing with Jason. Jason grabs the microphone that was sitting on the floor. "Last night... last night, I saw things, things I can't explain. Things the police don't want to believe. And things I don't want to believe myself. But I know what I saw. These murders are ritualistic sacrifices!" Everyone in the crowd gasps.

"And Eddie Munson is a leader of one of these cults. He also possessed Cyra Harrington to help him," Many more people gasped and yelled out. "He has her doing his dirty work and he will have many more people doing so. All Dustin's mom looked at Mikes mom when thinking about Cyra. They didn't believe she could do this, she was to good for that.


Back with the group...

We had to take the long way through the woods to make sure no one could find us. The sun had slowly gone down now. I had stopped while everyone continued walking. I was looking at the sunset. I kept wondering if this was last one I was going to see.  What if this was my last sunset or my last hike or the last time I see my friends.

"Cyra? Cyra? Cyra?!" I turn to see Steve shaking me. He sighs of relief noticing I was still with them.

"Sorry," I said with my head down low.

"Just don't scare me like that again," he pulled me into a big hug. I hadn't hugged my brother like that since I was 6 years old and our parents were fighting. I was scared and he played monopoly with me and snuck me some ice cream. "Are you tired? I can carry you if you need to?"

I nodded against his chest as I felt my eyes get heavy. I hadn't slept in days and it felt like I had no strength left. Steve had squatted down so I could be on his back as we walked. Suddenly my eyes close for the first time in awhile and I didn't feel scared.


"Dustin? Can you slow down? Dustin?" Eddie yells as Dustin runs with his compass. Everyone else groans as they try to catch up with him. I had been walking for the last 30 minutes and didn't care to catch up.

"I think we're getting close!" He yells back right before he walks into the lake. Eddie grabs him by his backpack right before he steps in.

Everyone stops suddenly and smack right into the back of Robin.

"Sorry," I tell her. She just shrugs and we all group up closer.

"You got to be shitting me," Steve says as he sees lovers lake.

"Lovers Lake," Robin says. "I thought these woods looked familiar,"

"All the trees look the same. What are you taking about?" I ask her. Everyone looks at me for a second before continuing on. But one thing I didn't see was everyone smiled as I made a joke, hoping that I was back.

"How's is there a gate in Lovers Lake?" Max asked. I nodded wondering the same thing also.

"Whenever the demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening. Maybe Vecna's the same way," Nancy said. I groaned as I knew this wasn't gonna end well.

"Well, only one way to find out," Steve said. He suddenly picked me up and over his shoulder. I started kicking and yelling at him.

"I swear Steve if you through me into this Lake," he put me down and smacked the back of his head.

"Hey! It was a joke!" He told me as he continued to laugh. I rolled my eyes at him. 


When Eddie came back with the boat Steve started helping us on. I grabbed Steve's hand as helped me on. Dustin started to argue about not going with us. I turn to Eddie for a moment and just stare at him. I wished that instead of doing this on a lake at night in a rusty old boat, we were at the movies and I got to keep sneaking glances at him. Maybe my happy ending isn't so happy at all.

It's never gonna last is it?

M O X I E - E. MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now