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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  III  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

It was half way through the game and the boys were doing pretty good. Lucas hadn't been taken off the bench yet and Cyra felt bad for him.

During the mall incident Lucas was with her most of the time, seeing her freak out about not knowing where her brother was and having to worry about the mind flayer being in Billy. She was friends with Billy and thats how she knew Max.

It made it harder when she watched Billy die. She was having nightmares everynight after that and tried blocking out all reminders about it.

She jumoed up and cheered for the boys when they scored again.

"Whooo!" She yelled with all the other cheerleaders. They were jumping up and down and she gave Lucas a smile cause she noticed Dustin and Mike leave. She felt bad that they cared more about there stupid game than something super important for Lucas.

They had tried to recruit her early and even bribed her with 20 dollars but there was no way she was going to play it. She noticed the game wasn't progressing so she was going to step outside for a second.

"Hey Chrissy can you cover for me?" She leaned over to her.

"Yeah, of course," Chrissy knew she was going out to smoke some weed and covered for her a lot. She left her pom poms next to Chrissy and walked out. One thing she didn't know was Steve was watching her.

Once she walked out she pulled the pre-rolled joint out of her skirt and lit it. She walked a little farther from the school so no teacher would see her. Her body finally felt like it was relaxing and she felt better. She heard cheering from the gym and knew she had to get back.

She ran back in and Chrissy handed her, her pom poms as she started cheering. Lucas had the ball and passed it to Jason.

" H A W K I N S," The cheer squad spelt out. Cyra was surprised some of them could even spell. Jason scored and everyone cheered again.

They scored again and the cheering kept getting louder and louder. It went on for another 55 mintues when Jason called a time out.

Hawkins was down 2 points and there was very little time. They finally got back on the court. Jason got the ball and tried to score but it bounced off the rim. Lucas had grabbed and there was only a few seconds left on the timer.

Everyone was cheering and screaming when Lucas had taken his shot. It bounced on the rim a few times and then went in.

Everyone cheered for him.

"Lucas! Lucas! Lucas! Lucas! Lucas!" They cheered as he was lifted up. After a couple mintues people started heading out and Chrissy nudged me to follow her. We walked out to the locker room.

"Whats up, Chris?" Cyra asks her.

"I'm going to Eddies for a second to get something stronger. Can you cover for me? I promise after I get it i'm going to meet you guys at Benny's, Okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Just be careful," After that they both walk out and Cyra goes to meet Steve. She looks around before theres an arm around her. She turned to see Patrick.

"Hey, you coming or what?" He asks her as she looks around and spots her brother.

"Yeah, just give me a sec. I'll be there soon," She walks off and right up to Steve.

"Hey Steve, i'm going to Chrissy's tonight. Is that Okay?" She knew it was oaky but she always asked that because it reassured him.

"Yeah, just be careful," He said hugging her. No matter what happened after the summer he always tried to hug her on kiss her on the head so she knew she wasn't alone. Cyra liked Steves hugs but would never say it aloud.

"Steve you have to let go," She tried pulling away but he just hugged tighter. "Ugh, get off, dude!" He laughed as he ruffled her hair. She scoffed and walked off.

Patrick was waiting for her next to the car and she turned around to make sure her brother wasn't watching. Steve was walking back to his car with Robin as she turned back around. She hopped into the car right next to Lucas to her surprise. She gave him a look and he just shrugged.

Patrick put his arm around her as they drove.


Cyra, Patrick and Andy were watching the news about a student who got murdered. Cyra was barely paying attention since her head was pounding.

She watched the reporter point to the trailer home and she recognized it as Eddies. She had met him there a few times to buy. 'Oh shit'. She thought.

"They say who it is?" Jason asked them.

"No, not yet," Patrick answered. He was right next to her with his arm around her. She didn't really mind it because sue she was barely paying attention.

"Hey, maybe Chrissy didn't stand you up after all," Andy said. Cyra's brain turned on right there. She had just remembered that Chrissy was with Eddie last night. She turned to the window were sirens were heard. She got up right next to Jason and looked out the window.


After about ten mintues of Jason being asked questions and him running out. The police came out for Cyra for questioning. Lucas looked at her for a second but she just shrugged. She stood up and walked in were one of the cops, Powell, was sititng down. She had met him a couple times because of Jim Hopper.

"So... what's this about?" She asked him as she sat across from him.

"Your were Chrissy Cunningham's friend, right?" He asked her.

"Yes, we are on the cheer team together," She pointed to her cheer uniform.

"Do you know where Chrissy was last night, Cyra?" He questioned her.

"Why do you ask?" She knew why and she knew excatly where.

"Just answer the question," He sighed.

"Yes, I did," She crossed her legs so they were both on the chair. She knew she may be here for awhile.

"And were was she?"

"She was going to Eddie's for a moment and then she was going to meet us here. I covered for her so Jason didn't lose his shit but he was already pissed that she didn't show," Powell looked at the other cop for him to write that down.

"And why was she with Eddie?" She leaned forward, sighing.

"She was buying some drugs," She had to out her but she new Chrissy was dead. There was no reason they were asking about her, if she wasn't dead.

"Jason said that wasn't her thing. Why was she buying them?" They cops looked at each other again before she started talking.

"I don't know exactly why but she seemed freaked lately, kind of out of it," After ten more mintues of questioning they let her out. She went out the front area were non of the boys were. She ran as fast as she could to the video store were Steve worked. She knew she had to tell him at this point.


After running for 20 mintues to the store she made it and saw Dustin on a computer and Max talking to them. They all looked at her when she opened the door out of breath.

"Are you okay, Cy?" Steve asked as he went to her.

"Yeah... Just... give me... a sec," She said panting and trying to catch her breath. "Okay, Okay. I have some big news,"

M O X I E - E. MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now