C H A P T E R: 11

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  X  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"So... you and Eddie?" A voice behind her startled her and she jumped turning around. She turned around to see Robin.

"...no. I don't know what you're talking about?" She said not even convincing herself.

"No? Come on. You're the only one he will listen to or bare to be around," Robin said knocking Steve's feet off of her.

"Uhh.. you know... I think Nancy's calling me from upstairs. I got to go," She ran up the stairs and saw Mrs. Wheeler with pancakes.

"Ohh... Hi Cyra. How are you doing?" Mrs. Wheeler asked her. Cyra did like Mrs. Wheeler. She was always kind and welcoming.

"I'm fine. How are you?" Cyra said as she saw Nancy doing something with some papers.

"I'm doing good. Not much going on around here. Mike hasn't called us yet but you know how it is," Mrs. Wheeler seemed to enjoy the conversation with Cyra.

"Of course, do you mind if I take a pancake?" Cyra asked her. She hadn't eaten in a while and was starving.

"Not at all. Help yourself," she said putting more pancakes on the stack.

"Thank you, Mrs. Wheeler," she nodded at her and she was about to walk away before Mr. Wheeler started complaining.

"Yep, just sleep in our house, eat our food, use our tv. How about you just move in here," he asked rhetorically. Cyra thought for a moment before continuing with his little bantering.

"Really? I would love to. Your house is so big and rooming with Nancy would just be amazing and I love Holly," Cyra said as she stood there taking another pancake. Mrs. Wheeler was standing in front of the stove hiding her smile as Max dragged her hand and they all ran down the stairs.


They all sat in the basement while Nancy explained everything that they knew. So now all they had to do was go to Victor Creel's house and then find something that will link back to Vecna.

"So, as that happens someone needs to go check on Eddie and bring him food," Nancy said as they all sat there. Immediately Robin volunteered, technically.

"Well, Cyra can," Cyra looked over at her shaking her head. "Right? Not like you have any plans?" Cyra took a deep breath as they all looked at her for an answer.

"Nope. I don't have any plans," Cyra answered, staring at Robin.

"Ok, perfect. You still have the radio, right?" Dustin asked her.

"Yes," she said as she picked it up and put it in the side pocket of her bag.

"You have your Walkman too?" Steve asked her.

"Yes," she said pointing to it around her neck as if he was an idiot. Steve just rolled his eyes at her.

"Ok, we'll, stop to get food and then head off," Lucas added. Cyra shakes her head as they all got up. They headed to the car and off they went.

While they were walking around the store as a huge family Max went up to Cyra and tapped her on the head so she would put the headphones around her neck.

"Yes?" Cyra asked her as they were more just following around the group.

"Be careful. I know you have the music but he's powerful and if something happens run and don't stop running, understand?"

"Uhh... yes,"

"I need you to be sure. I know after the mall and everything we drifted but you were always there for me and I just don't want anything to happen to you either," Cyra hugged the girl immediately. Max was a little stiff but let into the hug slowly.

"I promise. I won't stop running until my legs fall off," she held out her pinky waiting for Max to link her pinky. Max shook her head and put her pinky out and linked. After a moment they found the group again and continued.


She had just opened the door to the boat house and Eddie had the bat again. She shook her head as he put the bat down and sighed.

"Well, here is the food you requested," she said lifting the grocery bag. He grabbed it instantly from her. "So how has it been here?"

"Well, you know, being a wanted criminal gives you the adrenaline rush you need, sometimes," He let out a small chuckled and Cyra laughed with him.

They sat there together for hours messing around and getting to know each other. Eddie had went inside Ricks house to make spagettio's. Cyra had followed him around and sat on the couch. As she was sitting on the couch she get dizzy and almost like she was about to pass out.

"Hey, you good?" Eddie said putting a hand on her shoulder. She nodded for a moment before giving him a verbal response.

"Yeah, I'm fine... just tired, you know? Hard to slept lately," Cyra at least believed that's what it was. Steve may have held her by a leash if he knew how bad she really felt. Everyone would have been on her, bothering her to make sure she was fine but Eddie was nice about it.

"Yeah, I get it," suddenly a car had stopped at the front of the house. They both looked at each other and booked it to the shed through a back door.

Eddie was holding Cyra's hand as they shut the door quietly. They didn't notice as they looked out the window to see Jason and his awful friends.

"Oh shit," Cyra said. They were gonna kill them.

M O X I E - E. MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now