C H A P T E R: 10

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  X  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Steve had just dropped her off and waited for her to walk into the boat house before he drove off. Dustin gave her a radio so she could get in contact whenever needed. She knocked and then opened it to see Eddie with a bat.

"Where'd you get a bat?" She said walking over to him and putting the bat down.

"Thank god, it's just you. I don't think I can handle the rat pack again," he said as she sat down on an upside-down bucket. She had a small smile on her face as he talked. "What's up with you? Normally yoyouore chatty and annoying,"

"Uhh.. you know how when.. we met in the woods... last week?" He muttered a y, each and she continued o"Well... uh...t's hard to say out loud... I'm cursed... like Chrissy and Fred and all the others,"

"Oh shit, are you okay?" She gave him a look. "Dumb question... but are you?"

"Not really. Knowing I can snap in half at any second doesn't really sit well in my stomach. But can we please change the topic? I don't want to talk about it more," he nodded at her and thought for a second.

"Ok ok, I got a topic. Say that right now, if there were no monsters or whatever we're happening, what would you be doing?" Eddie asked her. They both sat against a wall side by side.

"Uhh.. probably my brother would make me watch some stupid movies with him and Robin. I would have to work on cheer stuff and read, I guess," he laughed at her and she turned towards him and smack him on the shoulder. "And what's so funny?"

"I mean, you're popular, and you're hanging out with your brother and reading. I mean it's spring break, don't you have a jackass boyfriend to parade around town with?" He said looking over at her. She looked down at her shoes for a moment before turning to him.

"Uhh.. no actually," Cyra's eyes connected with Eddie's before she looked down again. He grabbed her chin so she would look at him. His rings touched the side of her jaw as she made eye contact with him. He leaned his head so his mouth was over her ear.

"Good," he whispered in her ear. He pulled back and their faces were inches away from each other. She had an impulse decision and grabbed both sides of his face and crashed their lips together. The kiss was slow and perfect. The lips were molded to each other. They could feel each other smiling into the kiss. They pull away and there both breathe heavily as their foreheads touch.

Before either one could say anything. Eddie pulls her back into another kiss. This still had the same sparks as the last one. He was more aggressive but Cyra liked it. She was pushed against the wall as he kissed her. His mouth started traveling down to her jaw, then her neck, and then her collarbone.

When they both finally pulled away from each other Eddie was the first one to say something.

"God, your hot," he told her. She just chuckled as he held her. His hand snakes around her hips while they were kissing. "Can't believe if this wasn't happening I would never get this with you,"

"Well, as much as I hate what's going on, I'm happy it's with you," she said pulling closer to him.

"That's cheesy, aww your cheesy," he said making fun of her. He poked her sides as she tried to get away from him but he just held her. They laughed for a while and sat in each other arms while falling asleep on the floor later on.


"Cyra! Cyra! Hello?!" Cyra woke up and looked over to see an arm around her waist as she lay on the floor. She looked over to where the noise was coming from and saw the radio. She grabbed it before they continued to yell.


"Holy shit! Thank god you are alive. Why weren't you answering?" Steve said.

"I fell asleep. You do realize it's 12:00 am, right?" Eddie sat up looking at her and she just shrugged.

"We found out how to stop Vecna. It's about music. Whatever your favorite song is you need to play it," Dustin's voice came through louder. Cyra winced at how loud it got and turned down the radio a bit.

"I don't have anything on me, dumbass. It's all in my room," Cyra shakes her head at their idiocy.

"Where gonna come and pick you up ok? Where gonna stop by the house first, what's your favorite song?" Dustin asked her.

"Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks. My Walkman is on my bed and my cassettes are on my desk,"

"Ok," suddenly it just went silent and she fell back onto the floor. She just sighed for a moment before remembering Eddie was there.

"You ok?" Eddie asked her as she lay next to him.

"I guess. At least they found a way to save Max and me, so that's good," Eddie and Cyra talked the whole time until the group got there.


They had all gone back to the Wheeler's basement, left Eddie at the boat house, and decided to take a break that night. Everyone had fallen asleep. Max and Cyra were awake while Dustin watched them. Max told her everything that happened. Cyra just hugged the girl and they had finally fallen asleep.

Sleep didn't last so long though before another voice started talking through the radio.

"Hey Dustin, this is Eddie the Banished. You there? Dustin, can you hear me? Dustin? Earth to Dustin?" Cyra moved over to the radio and picked it up.

"Uhh.. hey it's Cyra," she said rubbing her eyes from the tiredness in them.

"Cyra! Hey! I'm, I'm gonna need a food delivery, like, really soon, unless you want me going out into the world," he told her.

"No. Don't do that. Well, come over as soon as we can,"

"Yeah, yeah. Listen, um... can you pick me up a six-pack?"

"Are you serious? You know, what? Sure... Uhh give me a sec," Cyra told him as Nancy was tapping on her shoulder. 'What' she mouthed to Nancy.

"Where's Max?" Cyra looked around for a moment and noticed she wasn't there.

"I don't know Dustin was watching us," she said in an annoyed tone. She hated that they watched them in cycles like they were gonna run away or something.

"I'm back. Any other requests?" She asked Eddie.

"You?" Cyra turned off the walkie from all the little butterflies she got. She couldn't handle it all so she tried to fall back asleep but before Nancy came back down and woke them all up.

M O X I E - E. MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now