C H A P T E R: 12

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  XII  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Eddie ran over to the radio and started asking if anyone was there.

"Hey Dustin, you there? It's Eddie and Cyra, you remember us right?" He said freaking out. She took the radio from his hand. 

"Steve, Please I need you. I need you Steve, please don't give up on me yet. I just need you to get here please," She waited a moment but no one answered. She looked over at Eddie and he was pulling the tarp off of the boat. 

"I think I have an idea, but it's not gonna be fun," Eddie told her, she shook her head but took his hand and hopped into the boat. Eddie pushed it and jumped in. "Ok, let's start paddling, but slowly so they don't hear it," Cyra took a paddle and they both started paddling slowly. Cyra could hear her heart beating hard. Cyra didn't notice but Eddie was staring right at her. Eddie felt calm just being in her presence, he just didn't know how to tell her. 

"HEY FREAK!" Jason yells from shore. They both look back.

"Holy shit," Cyra said. She was freaking out. She knew Jason would lose his shit. "Start the boat! Start the boat, EDDIE!" She yelled at him. 

"I'm trying! I'm trying!" He yells at her. Jason and Patrick were already in the water swimming towards them faster than ever. Cyra had grabbed a paddle and Eddie followed suit. They weren't making much progress as the boys swam quicker. 

"I think we gotta swim, Eds," She said looking at him and putting down the paddle. She took off her walkman knowing she couldn't save it no matter what. 

"Hey, stay back, man! Stay back!" Eddie said as Jason got closer. Suddenly, Cyra felt a pain in her chest. "Cyra you should go," Cyra couldn't hear anything. Everything was spinning, her head was pounding, and her chest felt like it was caving in on her. 

While Cyra was on the floor of the boat Patrick was being lifted into the air. The moment Patrick's bones started to break, She started screaming because the pain got worse. Eddie had fallen backward off the boat. After a minute of Eddie climbing back into the boat and Jason swimming back with Patrick, Cyra felt a hand of hers. She looked over to her hand and saw the familiar rings. 

Her body was shaking from fear. Eddie held her close as she tried to calm herself down. "Cyra we have to go before the cops come," Eddie whispered to her. If he could he would have held her forever and never let go but he knew that wasn't a choice they had. He hated that now Cyra was dragged into this mess with him.  


They had made it to shore sitting at skull rock hiding under it. 

"Thank you," It was the first words Cyra had under in those few hours. She had finally had no more pain in her body, she was finally free from Vecna's hold... well not for much longer. 

Eddie had been thinking that every moment might be his last and being with Cyra made that worst. Knowing at some point he was going to leave her. So, he did the one thing he could think of... let her know how he felt. 

"Cyra, you know... I umm... I haven't known you for long but... I- this is so hard to say.. but I like you Cyra. I know it sounds crazy but I do. I wish it wasn't like this and we could go out and do something together. I would do anything for you Cyra, even if that went saving your life," Eddie rambled. He didn't even know what he was saying until he was finished. There was a long pause before Cyra got up from the spot Eddie laid her on and held on to him. She held onto him like he was the only thing keeping her together. 

"Eddie?" Eddie looked down at her. While wrapping his arms around her. "I like you too,"  After that, they both fell asleep. They were tired out from all of the events but that wasn't even the start of it. 


Suddenly Cyra felt movement under her, she looked up from her laying position and Eddie was under her holding her. Eddie's eyes were slowly opening as she stared at him. 

"Staring at me?" He said with a smirk on his face. She rolled her eyes as she got up but he pulled her back down. She was on top of him and he had some silly grin on his face. 

"Getting cocky are we?" He asked her. In that moment they both forgot about the issues around them and the fact that both of them only had some much time left. But that feeling left quickly. 

"I have to find a new walkie the one we had broke," Eddie told her. "I think I have an idea," She nodded at him and he continued to tell her about sneaking onto a job site that wasn't to far since most of them have walkies. She said this was a good idea and once he left she realized she wasn't safe anymore. She didn't have her music or her brother, or Eddie... there was nothing and no one to save her as she sat there. 

She got up for a moment and started walking a little bit but not to far where she wouldn't hear Eddie. Suddenly there was a voice and she thought it was Eddie so turning back, she walked back to skull rock and no one was there.

"Hello?" She said quietly. No one responding back but then it seemed to get dark and there were only clouds. 

"Hello Cyra," A deep voice said. She turned around to see a black figure walking towards. She immediately knew who it was. She thought about what max said, 'run... just run,'. And that is what she did. 

She ran with everything in her seeing as Vecna was in her mind and there was no where to actually go. She dodged trees as they fell next to her. Her breathing heavier than it had ever been. 

And then she fell with a silent scream, she fell forwards, her throat and mouth too full of blood for her to make any noise. She had hit her head on a rock. Cyra coughed up the remaining blood that choked her and grasped at the floor. Vecna stepped closer as Cyra's nails scrapped the damp floor, gritting her teeth through the pain.

"I won't let you get to them," She spat though her words were drowned out with grunts and scream from her wound.

"You won't survive this, you're too pathetic for it," Vecna crouched down right next to her and brushed his claws through her hair. He pulled her up by her neck and pushed her against a tree.

"And I won't let you survive," Suddenly music started playing and she saw an opening across from her.  Vecna had been distracted in that moment and she slammed her head against his, and pushed him off of her running towards the opening in the woods. 

As she ran more trees started falling around, and she dodged them at all costs. She was so close when a tree fell on her and she was pinned down. 

She started pushing as hard as possible on the tree but it wouldn't budge, and Vecna walking closer and closer to her. She felt a little movement in the tree and had used all the strength she had and finally her foot came out. She pulled herself back up and ran back to the ones she loved. 

And suddenly her eyes open and shes on the floor with her brother holding her and everyone else standing close around her. 

She looked at Max for a moment. "I kept running,". As she said that she stood up with the help of Steve who was in so much shock words weren't coming to him. 

Eddie grabbed her close to him for a moment and wrapped her in a hug. 

Eddie tilts Cyra's head up to get a better look at her face. He delicately wipes the blood from her mouth, saying nothing as he does. After a brief pause, Cyra's heart skips a nervous beat, and looks at Eddie. "You're a fucking moron,"

She leans her head against his shoulder and chuckles.

M O X I E - E. MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now