C H A P T E R: 8

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  VIII  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

They had caught up to Max and she unlocked the door to Mrs. Kelleys office.

"It's like a mini-Watergate or something," Dustin said as they walked in there. Cyra went over to where Max was and watched her go through all the files. "Hawkinsgate,"

"Didn't those guys get caught or something?" Steve asked. Cyra had seen some of the names on the files and knew some of them.

"Yeah, but didn't Owens become incharge after?" Cyra questioned back. Suddenly Max stopped on Chrissy's file.

"Holy shit," Max said. Max looked at me and I shrugged but then i looked back down and saw fred's name. I pulled it out and max pulled out Chrissy's and her file.

"You found it?" Dustin asked as he put the flashlight in Cyra's eyes. She smacked the flashlight out of his hands. "Sorry," He said sheepishly. She just rolled her eyes.

"Yeah and not just Chrissy's file. Fred was seeing mrs. Kelley too," Cyra waved Fred's folder. They sat down at the desk and opened up both files.

They all looked at the files even though they didn't know what they were looking for. Cyra's eyes scanned both of Chrissy's and Fred's files and they both had same things on them. Nosebleeds, Severe headaches, nightmares, lack of sleep, etc. They seem to almost have the same exact files.

"So, I think I see some stuff that goes together," Cyra says to the group.

"What is it?" Dustin asks her.

"They seem to have almost the exact same files, it's insane to think about but it's true, they basically do. Max do you see anything else about it?" Cyra asked Max cause she seemed to know the most about this. Max didn't answer and Cyra turned to look her in the face. Her eyes looked rolled back. "Max? Max?"

Cyra kept shaking Max and so did the boys. They tried to get her attention or to get her to say something.

"Max? MAX!" Cyra was freaking out. Max was like her little sister, she couldn't let her get hurt by this thing.

After a minute more of shaking her Max woke up with a jolt and Cyra hugged her so tight. Cyra wouldn't let go and Max just hugged back until Robin and Nancy came rushing into the room. Cyra let go and looked at them, but before anyone could say anything Max suddenly got up and walked away.

They all went after and she was staring at the wall. She wasn't moving but just staring at the wall.

"Max? What is it?" Nancy asks. They had there flashlights on the wall where Max was looking.

"A grandfather clock was right here on the wall," He voice was shaky as she stood there. "It was here," Cyra looked up. She knew that it was getting max too but she didn't think it was this far. Cyra had to tell the group about her.

"A grandfather clock?" Nancy asks.

"It was so real. And then, when I got closer, suddenly I just... I woke up,"

"it was like she was in a trance or something. Exactly, what Eddie said happened to Chrissy," Dustin told the group. Of course they knew what was happening but know of them wanted to say it.

"She wasn't responding and her eyes were rolled back," Cyra told them. Steve hed onto his sister as she talked.

"Thats not even the bad part," Max showed them back to Mrs. Kelleys office. They stood around the desk as she continued to talk. "Fred and Chrissy, they both came to Mrs. Kelley for help. Uh, they were both having headaches, bad headaches that wouldn't go away. And then... then the nightmares. Trouble sleeping. They'd wake up in cold sweats. Then they started seeing things. Bad things, from there pasts. These visions, they just... they kept on getting worse and worse, untill eventually... everything ended,"

"Vecna's curse," Robin said. Cyra had tears silently streaming down her face as Max talked. Everything Max just said waas happening to Cyra.

Cyra was Cursed.

Chrissy's headaches started a week ago. Fred's six days ago. I've been having them for five days," Max stopped for a moment and this was the only time Cyra was going to be able to tell them.

"I'm cursed," Cyra said bluntly, tears were still on her face as everyone turned to her. "Everything Max said was happening to me for the last six days. I've saw the clock today when Max was in Mrs. Kelleys house. I was supposed to see Mrs. Kelley on Friday but I didn't go. I'm pretty sure i'm going next," They stood there for a moment where Steve just hugged her. But after that he smacked her on the head. "Ow,"

"What the hell where you think? Keeping this hidden? You weren't gonna tell me this was happening to you?!" Steve was anger with her. He couldn't lose her. He couldn't live if it was his fault she died, he dragged her into this whole Upside Down shit.

"I didn't think it was that important," she spoke barely over a whisper as he just hugged her again. Cyra looked at Max for a moment before a slam from one of the doors in school sounded loudly.

"Stay here," Steve said as he walked out and grabbed the lamp in the room. They didn't listen and followed him out. Robin came over and held Cyra's hand so she would have some comfort. Footsteps seemed to get louder and louder when suddenly someone turned to the corner. Everyone started yelling as Steve lifted the lamp.

""It's me!" Lucas yells. They all jumped back.

"Lucas?" Nancy asked as he yelled back.

"It's me!"

"Jesus, what is wrong with you, Sinclair?" Steve says. "I could have taken you out with this lamp," Cyra's heart was slowly going back to regular as the rest of them seemed to converse. Cyra went were Max was to talk to her.

"There's no chance were getting out of this is there?" She asked max. She wanted to make sure if she was going to die in the next few hours she wanted to know.

"I don't know but I hope so cause I'm over this bullshit," Suddnely the whole group was looking at the two standing there and Lucas was staring straight at Max.


So i can't remember if i have already picked a song for Cyra. If you have read the whole Storie so far could you tell me if i have cause i'm to lazy to read threw the story

M O X I E - E. MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now