C H A P T E R: 7

827 35 1

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  VII  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Max had gone into Mrs. Kelley's house a couple minutes ago. Steve and Dustin hadn't stopped bickering and didn't seem like they were gonna stop anytime soon. She looked out the back window because she was bored and saw a man standing there in the middle of the street. He just stood there doing nothing as she continued to look at him. Cyra couldn't make out many features but only his clothes. He wore all black and seemed to have curly hair. He started to walk towards them.

"Hey, guys. Do you see that?" Cyra asked as she looked at the man. She didn't get a response so she turned around to see no one. She turned back to where the man was and he wasn't there anymore. She got out of the car and into the middle of the street.

"Oh Shit," she started looking around in circles thinking she was crazy. Suddenly the chiming came back and she looked to where it came from. A grandfather clock in the middle of the street.

She started walking towards it.  The closer she got the chiming got louder. Suddenly she was standing right in front of it and noticed the glass of where the clock was broken.

She went up to touch it but a hand touched her shoulder. She jumped from it and turned around.
She saw a shadow of a man. It was like he wasn't there but it was just a outline of a man.

"Cyra, I know your hurting. I can save you, trust me," his hand seemed to hold her chin in place so she had to look at the shadow. She shook her head over and over closing her eyes.

"You can't keep hiding from me. Your end is soon Cyra," suddenly she opened her eyes and he wasn't there anymore. She turned around where the clock wasn't there anymore.

Her eyes opened with a suddenly jolt and turned to look at the boys. They were still bickering as she looked back at the window and he was gone. She tried calming her breath down as Max came out of the house running into the car.

"Here she comes. Here she comes," Steve says as she as she opens the door.

"What's she say?"

"Nothing. Just drive," Steve didn't start driving yet and Max looked at him. "Steve, drive!"

"Okay," suddenly Cyras back was against the seat and they zipped out of there. Cyra looked back one more time as they started questioning Max.

"What the hell did you do?" Steve asked her. She sighed for a moment but pulled up some keys.

"She wouldn't talk about Chrissy so I took the keys to her classroom," Max out the keys back down as Steve started heading towards the school.

"Holy shit!" Dustin said.

"How the fuck did you get the keys?" Cyra asked.
Max explained about going to the bathroom but then found the keys. Suddenly the radio made some noise and then Lucas's voice came in.

"Dustin. It's Lucas. Do you copy? Dustin," Lucas says threw the radio. Cyra finally thought about Lucas and how she left him with the basketball team.

"Lucas? Where the hell have you been?" Dustin asked putting the radio to his mouth. Steve looks over kinda confused as Lucas starts talking.

"Just listen. Are you looking for Eddie?"

"Yeah. We found him. No thanks to you," Cyra noticed Dustin's anger about it since that's his best friend but obviously Lucas didn't notice it or didn't care.

"You found him?" He seemed surprised almost as he said it.

"A boathouse on Coal Mill Road. Don't worry. He's safe," Cyra really wouldn't say safe was the right word but with Lucas finally reappearing it was the best option to say.

"You guys know he killed Chrissy, right?" Max and Cyra looked at each other not realizing how behind he was. We both shook our heads as Dustin continued.

"That's bullshit," Dustin exclaimed. Dustin obviously liked Eddie and looked up to him, so saying anything bad about Eddie was kinda of wrong to do in Dustins presence.  "Eddie tried to save Chrissy,"

"Then why do all the cops say he did it?" Max scoffed as she took the radio from Dustin's hands.

"Lucas, you're so behind it's ridiculous, okay?" She said with a little sass in her voice. Max obviously wasn't someone you wanted to mess with and hopefully Lucas noticed that. "Just meet us at the school. We'll explain later,"

"I...I can't. I think some real bad shit is about to go down. What are you talking about? Why bad shit?"  They waited for a second for answer but no response came. "Lucas? Lucas?"

"Did he just stop talking to us?" Cyra asked as there was still no answer from Lucas. "I swear to god if he does something stupid I'll beat his ass when I see him," Cyra was already annoyed and scared.  So hearing that there's more shit to this wasn't the best thing to calm her down. She was expressing everything through anger.

Steve looked at her through the rearview mirror as she looked out the window trying to calm herself down. Steve was noticing that she was differently lately but thought it was because of the killings and the summer is coming up soon. He didn't believe that anymore, he knew something was wrong with his baby sister and had to find out.


They had finally made it to the school. As they walked through the school Max was in front of Dustin, Steve and Cyra. They just followed her silently as she went to Ms. Kelley's classroom.

Suddenly Robins voice came from the radio in Dustin's pocket. "Dustin, do you copy?" Cyra looked over at Dustin as he grabbed it.

"Yeah, I copy," It went silent for a split second before Robin's voice continued.

"So, Nancy's a genius. Vecna's first victims date back all the way to 1959. Her shot in the dark was a bull's-eye," Cyra sighs as Max turns her head back a little. Max didn't talk to the group much as she showed them to the classroom but when Max turend around and made eye contact with Cyra she turned back as fast as possible. Cyra's attention turned back to Dustin as he talked.

"Okay, that's totally bonkers, but I can't really talk right now," Dustin tells Robin. It goes silent again. Cyra and Steve look at each other but then Robins voice comes through again.

"Wait... what are you doing?" She questioned him.

"Breaking and enetering school to retrieve confidential and extremely personal files," Cyra hit Dustin on the chest. Cyra thought he was an idiot sometimes for being a genius.

"Can you repeat that?" Robin asked them. Cyra understood how Dustin just made that sound worse then ever.

"Just get you ass over here, stat. We'll explain everything," Cyra exclaimed and turned off the radio. She got annoyed as Max wasn't even talking to them, Robin and Nancy are somewhere else, and they might all die.


M O X I E - E. MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now