C H A P T E R: 9

551 29 3

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  IX  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

They all drove to the Wheeler's house to find a plan. Max had sat in the corner and started writing. No one knew what was happening with her but they just had to keep an eye on her. Cyra was playing cards with Dustin since she couldn't sleep. It was around 2:00am as Dustin passed out half way through playing. She noticed Lucas asleep on the floor and Steve just sitting in the chair watching her and Max.

Robin was asleep on the floor next to where Cyra was and Nancy was leaning against the coach trying to think of a plan.

It went on untill 6:00am when Nancy had gotten up and got Robin to go with her. During that time Nancy had given them all papers that had an article on Victor Creel.

They had been reading it for about 5 minutes before Steve said something.

"Uhh.. be honest but do you guys understand any of this?" He asked pacing back and forth. Cyra didn't read the paper since she didn't even care anymore. She was gonna die first and there was no chance she was gonna live. She didn't want to know about her murder.


"Pretty straightforward,"

Lucas and Dustin said at the same time, Cyra just got up and walked over to the other side of the room to lay down. Steve watched her as he continued on with his conversation.

Cyra couldn't get over the fact that she was gonna at any second. Whenever she did would you rather and the question 'would you rather know when you die or how you die'. She had always picked when so she could do everything she wanted but she has definitely changed her answer.

Before she could continue on with her thoughts the door opens and Nancy and Robin come running down.

"Okay, so... we have a plan," she said facing the boys. Max had looked back at them but continued back at the desk and Cyra had finally closed her eyes and fallen asleep. It had been days since she had slept so Steve told everyone to shut up when they started being loud.

After lots of arguments and yelling upstairs with Nancy and Steve, he finally agreed to stay and watch the kids and make sure they stayed safe. He mostly did it for Cyra and Max but he would never say it out loud.

"I know you guys are staring at me," Max said to the boys as she collected her letters. They acted like they weren't and grabbed random things to act like they weren't. "How you think your eyes boring into the back of my head is protecting me from Vecna, I don't know,"

Max had gotten up and stared at the boys as they looked like idiots. "You can look at me now,"

"Thank you, sorry,"



All the boys said. They had put there things down and faced Max as she handed them letters. She handed them all to them but handed Cyra's also to Steve.

"When she wakes up can you give it to her?" Max asked him. Max couldn't seem to face that Cyra might actually die too. She didn't want to face that, she only wanted to believe it was her. Steve nodded and they all looked at Cyra peacefully sleeping on the floor. But once they started opening the letters max yelled at them.

"Hey! What are you doing? No, don't. That's not for now. Don't open it now,"

"Don't... okay," Dustin said sealing it back up. "I'm sorry. What is this?"

During this time between the group the peaceful sleep they all thought Cyra was in wasn't so peaceful after all.

Cyra was in some foggy red place where she could barely since two feet in front of her. It was cold and had an eery feeling to it. She kept walking through the fog and it started getting clearer. She suddenly tripped on a vine and fell in a red liquid. But the second she got up she knew it was blood. Cyra knew she had to get out of there and started running the other way.

She kept running but it seemed to never end , she finally stopped when she noticed it did her no good. Suddenly something snaked around her ankle and started dragging her.

"Help! Help!" She continued to scream as she was dragged through blood and dirt. Her body was covered in it. She coughed up the blood as her body was slammed on a tree.

Suddenly a figure was standing in front of her. Vecna.

She jolted up. Her brother kneeling in front of her. She looked around for a moment and realized we're she was. Steve was talking to Cyra but she couldn't hear him or anything for that matter. She was stuck in her head. She got up and ran to the bathroom in the basement and saw the same reflection of when she got her clothes and backpack from her house.

She wasn't going crazy. Vecna was showing how he was gonna kill her. She looked back down at her clothes and saw they were normal but where the same ones she had on now. She was gonna die in these clothes. One more thing she knew.

Suddenly she heard the banging from the door. Steve was pounding on the door as loud as possible.

"Cyra! Open the door! Cyra! What the hell happened?!" He screamed. She turned around and opened the door. He grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. "What happened? Are you okay?"

She just nodded into his chest as tears escaped her eyes. She needed her brother, this could be the last hug she ever gave him. She fell to the floor and Steve never let go of her. He kissed her on the head as she cried.

After about ten minutes Dustin, Lucas and Max had all joined in with them on the floor. Max had a look of disguise on her face but on the inside she loved it. Lucas and Dustin had felt bad for both of the girls and wanted them to feel like someone was there for them.


After sometime they had headed into the car where Max argued with Steve that Cyra actually laughed. Max was definitely determined. They sat in the awkwardly before Dustin brought up something they forgot.

"Hey, guys I think we should go check on Eddie. Or at least one of us gets dropped off and watched him," He said as they were weren't to far from the boat house.

"It's not a bad idea," Lucas chimes in.

"Are you kidding me? It's a bad idea. And who would even stay with Eddie as I drive Max around like some chauffeur," Steve said. Cyra tilted her head for a second before having an idea.

"I would," she said. Steve stopped the car suddenly and they flinged forwards. "Oh shit,"


"What the hell,"


They all said as the car stopped fully. Cyra held onto her forehead since it ran into the headrest. The rest of them head onto there necks from the momentum.

"No way. Your cursed and we have no cure. Someone else will go with him," he said sternly has if he was her mom.

"No one else can. Max can't cause she's doing whatever, Lucas won't leave her side, Dustin won't be able to stop shit if anything happens and you are the only one who can drive. So it's me," she knew she was right and Steve couldn't argue with that.

"She has a valid point," Lucas said.

"sHe HaS a VaLiD pOiNt," Steve mocked Lucas. "No, no way,"

"Steve. I only have so much of my life left at this moment and there's no way you could save me anymore," she argued back.

"Fine but I want check ups every two hours. At the Wheelers house,"


M O X I E - E. MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now