C H A P T E R: 18

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Cyra, Eddie, and Dustin had made it to the trailer. They were setting up now since the others left. 

"Now for the fun part," As Dustin was setting up the wires and Cyra was putting the amp up on the roof, it had time to start phase three.

"Cyra, this is for you," He said to her and then started playing. The whole time Cyra and Dustin had been in a trance watching him. 

The shrill cries of the demogorgan bats echoed out not long after, growing louder and louder as they approached. All of their hearts were pounding as time ticked.

When Eddie was done they all practically threw themselves off the trailer and into it. They barely escaped the bats. 

As Dustin was yelling at Eddie about how amazing he was. Eddie had been staring at Cyra. He noticed blood dripping from her nose. 

"What happened? Are you okay?" He said rushing up to her. She just nodded. But she didn't understand why that was happening. Her head was feeling dizzy and she could barely move her legs. She wasn't comprehending half the words both Dustin and Eddie were saying to her. 

As time kept moving on she felt like she was getting weaker and with that, the bats were about to get into the trailer. She got up and tried helping but it was no use as all the energy from her body was being drained. 

She sat on the floor on the trailer as Eddie tried to pick her up. 

"Sweetheart I need you to climb the rope! I need you to be safe!" She shook her head.

"I will help you," She said as she grabbed one of the weapons Dustin had. "Let's do it! Let's save Dustin! And Steve! And Robin! and Nancy!" He nodded his head for a second and then they both immediately grabbed the bikes outside the trailer and biked as fast as possible. 

"Hurry up! Eddie!" Cyra yelled at him as he was slowing down and the bats were catching up. Suddenly one of the bats hit Eddie off the bike. 

"NO!" Cyra screamed as she hopped off her bike to help him. 

"Cyra RUN! RUN!" Eddie told her but she continued to catch up with him and suddenly the bats started hitting him from their back and the front and Cyra couldn't save him. She had to stand there and watch him die. 

She fell to the ground as her body was already weak. Blood poured out of her nose, mouth, and eyes. She didn't know that Vecna had linked their lives. And as Elven was hurting Vecna she was suffering from the blows of Vecna.v

She was on the floor trying to crawl to Eddie, trying to save him as the bats ate into him. She couldn't get to him in time as the bats all fell down and died.  

She had grabbed his hand and he looked over to her. They both had this look on their face. A look where they both knew they weren't gonna make it. 

"Eddie! Cyra!" Dustin yelled as he limped over to them both. "We just need to get you to a hospital," 

"No... Dustin.." Cyra looked at Eddie as he spoke. "I finally didn't run away. And Cyra, I'm sorry I dragged you into this. I said I couldn't live without you but I never wanted to hurt you too. I love you and I'm happy you're the last person I get to see," 

"No! Eddie just stay awake a little longer! For me!" Cyra screamed. Dustin was holding Eddie's body while Cyra held his hand. She could feel it getting cold. 

"Dustin.. I'm sorry I couldn't save him," She says while looking at him. 

"No, no, no. it's not your fault. We need to get you out of here, okay?" He said to her. She nodded but then she realized she couldn't get out. 

"Dustin... use the walkie-talkie... get my brother here," She told him. He shook his head. 

"I'm not losing you too! I can't lose you!" He said shaking his head and using his bandana to wipe all the blood off of her face. 

"Please.." He looked at her for a moment and he realized too, she didn't have much fight left in her. He nodded his head and picked up the walk-talkie. 

"Steve, are you there? Steve?" He said. He held Cyra's hand as he waited for a response.

"Yes! Is everything okay?" He asks. You can hear how out of breath he was.

"Steve... you need to hurry back... Cyra isn't doing so well," With that there was no radio response back. Cyra looked at Dustin and Dustin could see in her eyes what she was thinking. 

"No! Just fight for a little longer! For me Cyra! for Steve!" He said as tears rolled down his face. She picked up her one hand from the one in Eddie's hand in wipes away his tears. 

Suddenly loud footsteps and yelling could be heard. 

"DUSTIN! CYRA!" Dustin yelled back at the voice and suddenly Steve appeared with Nancy and Robin right behind him. NO! NO! NO!" 

"Steve..." Cyra said as she saw him kneel next to her. He picked her up and put her on his lap. 

"Cyra... we need to get you to a hospital! Right now!" he picked her up and tried walking her back to the trailer. 

"Steve. Steve! STEVE!" Cyra yelled at him. He finally stopped walking. "I'm not gonna make it. I'm sorry.."

"You're not allowed to die, Dammit!" Steve's voice quivered, as he held his sister in his arms. "I promised myself you wouldn't die here. I promised you I'd get us out of here," He cried over her.

"Maybe, it's for the best," She said as tears fell off his face, "I can't live with this... this again," She slowly closed her eyes in peace of getting out of this world.

She lays there so peacefully and her body went limp in Steve's arms. The blood running down her face still and the wounds all around her, yet this was the most peace she had felt in years, and being in her brother's arms was the best feeling for her to have last. 

M O X I E - E. MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now