The Rink-o-mania Incident (rewritten)

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Will's POV

Angela pulls El up from her seat, holding onto her forearms, and takes her to the rink. One of her goons is talking to the DJ, and the other is holding a camera.

I shoot up from my seat, and I'm followed by Mike, who looks completely lost. Suddenly, an "announcement" is made through the loudspeakers.

- This one is dedicated to Jane, the local snitch! - the DJ declared, and "Wipeout" starts to play. Over the loud music, I can hear Mike fret, - Will, what the heck is going on?

- It's El, she hasn't been telling you everything. - I explained. I don't mean to expose El. She's the one that has to come clean, but they can talk about it later. This is a crisis.

-Bullshit! - Mike's face contorts. He squint his eyes and opens his mouth,, only to close it again. He looks at me, then at El.

- Mike, listen to me.- I sigh, trying to keep calm, - She's been having problems here.

- Problems? What kind of problems?

The kids were circling El while gesturing with their hands the same way she did when she would use her powers.

-She's being bullied in school, she struggles making friends, things like that. I don't know, you can talk to her about this later, we just have to do something!

Mike looked at El, then at me again. - Okay-he breathed out, - Just wait here.

He ran over to the DJ booth, and started yelling at him to turn off the song.

I wonder if I should go in the rink and try to stop them, but there's so many people around her. I don't even know what I would do to help. So I do... Nothing. I just stand there.

Isn't it weird how I'm always frozen? Always scared. Always useless. I can't help and I don't even try to help. It's like I'm made for being in the sidelines.

Stop making this about yourself, something tells me and I cringe. Why do I have to be such a selfish, useless fuck up?

Soon the bullies joined hands around El, calling her a cry baby, a freak, a snitch. El is crying and loosing her balance, she would trip every few seconds. As they finally turn off the song, Angela comes up to El and throws a milkshake on her clothes.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see mike rush to go help her, but there are too many people blocking him for him to reach El. Specially because she is running the other way.

Mike is shoved out of the girl's bathroom, and surges up to me with a pinkish fluster that doesn't take long to go away.

- She's not there?

-No, she's not - Mike mutters in a bitter tone. If I didn't know better, I'd say he flinched when I reached out to him.

- Mike, cmon.

He turns.

- Why didn't you tell me this was going on? You should've said something.

- What? This isn't my responsibility, she's the one who's been lying to you ever since you got here!

- You obviously knew something was going on and you hid it! Now look what happened.

There's a pit in my stomach. I didn't help. I should've helped.

- Are you saying this is my fault? - Hopefully Mike can't tell when my voice falters.

- I'm saying that you've been moping, rolling your eyes, barely talking! You basically sabotaged the whole day!

- I sabotaged the whole day? W-what about Angela?

-You know what I meant.

- No, I don't. I don't. What, so you're mad I didn't talk to you? How was I supposed to, Mike? You made it absolutely clear you don't want anything to do with me. You never call me, you never write to me, nothing. Meanwhile, El has a book of letters on her desk.

- Will, are you serious? She's my girlfriend!

- Okay, but what about us?

- We're friends! We are friends!

- We used to be best friends!

- Well, maybe you should've reached out more. I don't understand why this is on me. Why am I the bad guy?

- B- because-

Because how could I reach out after what you said to me? After knowing how you really feel about who I am? About what I am.

-Look, let's just find her. Okay?

Let's just find her. God, she must be feeling awful. I hadn't even thought about that. Way to go, Will. What a great brother you are.


I stare at the sliver of cold blue light that shines from outside, seeping in from underneath the door. I'm sitting on the floor, trying to contain my tears. How stupid is this? I'm hiding from Mike, and lying to him, just like he's lying to me. I thought maybe I could pretend. Maybe, if I acted like I was normal, he wouldnt stop loving me. None of this would have happened if I still had my powers. Or if Angela hadn't done... All of this. It was working, wasn't it? He looked at me. He kissed me. It was all good until she showed up. It's all her fault. I need to make it right.

I close the closet door behind me just as she passes by it.

El - Angela?

Angela - Oh, hello snitch.- she turns with a sway, - Aren't you tired of crying like a baby?

- I want you to apologize. I want you to tell me you're sorry and that we are friends.

- Or what, freak? You're gonna hurt me with your mean stare? Oh!

They're laughing at me. They're laughing.

-Why don't you go cry to your daddy? Oh, right. You can't even do that. - she says and walks away. Mouthbreather.

Its all her fault. Make her pay.

I dont think through what happens next. One second I'm turning around to go back to the janitors closet, and in the next...

I have a bloody shoe in my hands.

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