I Really L-

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Will's POV

Dear Diary

It's been a while. So much has happened. El was taken to somewhere to train her powers, but we don't know if she's safe. Mike decided we should go to wherever she is and bring her back. He made up a whole plan, too. He apologized to me today. He said it's good that we're working together and that he missed me. And that I'm his best friend. I'm really happy about that, but at the same time it's not quite what I wanted to hear. It's not his fault tho. He doesn't know about my... feelings. It's good to know that I'm important to him, no matter what. I'm used to not hearing what I want, as I should, since he's never going to say it. Even if I do tell him someday. Speaking of, I'm pretty sure he's coming up the stairs right now. I better hide this thing.

- Hey Will, what are you drawing?

- I- it's not a drawing... It's just this essay I was writing for school.

- What's it about? Can I see it-

-NO! I mean, you wouldn't want to, it's really boring and-

- Is that a diary?

- Oh, fuck. Okay. Yeah, it is. Don't make fun of me.

- Will, I'd never make fun of you. Plus... No, nevermind.

- What?

- It's nothing.

- Cmon Mike, you just found out I have a diary, it can't be worse than that.

- Can't it? - He sighs - I have one too. But I didn't bring it here, I forgot.

- Oh. Well... That's cool. I won't show you mine tho.

- I wouldn't ask you to do that. I came here to tell you that I found the key and Jonathan agreed to the plan. We're doing it at noon.

- Great. Anything else?

- Uh... I don't know... I thought maybe we could, like, hang out or something?

- Huh? - That's surprising. We haven't hung out since... Before summer of 85. I dont even know what we would do.

- I know, it's been a while since we've done something just the two of us, but I think it's better than just wait, you know?

- Yeah. Sure. What do you wanna do?

- Uhh... We could listen to music. And you could show me your drawings. I love when you draw. - Butterflies in my stomach. What did he just say?

- O-okay. I have t-this tape h-here. It's kind of old but umm... I like it.

- Nice. Put it on.

And so I did. We looked at the first few paintings I made when I arrived in California, the time we went to the beach, the only house I saw with a garden, the first time I used guache ( that one was awful, I admit it.) and the first up close portrait I made. Of myself. I quickly try to hide that one before Mike sees it, but my efforts are in vain

- Oh my God Will, Is that you? That looks awesome!

- Umm... I don't like it that much. It's the first portrait I made. I'll probably just throw it away-

- Can I have it?

My eyes shot up, confused. Why would he want a painting of me?

- You don't have to give it to me if you don't want to, I just think it's really pretty. The- the art I mean! It's very... well made.

- S- sure. You can have it.

What's going on with Mike today?

Just the two of us....

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