Powers - Chapter Seven, Part One

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A knock on the door. Last time, this didn't go well

Jonathan opens it to find an FBI officer on the other side. She sits them all down and explains that Eleven has been rescued from the police by The Lab, where she chose to train to get her powers back.

- She asked us to give you this letter, Michael.

It reads, on the envelope

" To Mike, From Eleven"

The boys face expresses distress visibly. Will, as always, notices, but doesn't comment on it.

For Mike, everything is happening too fast. There's no way that all of this can fit in one day. All that Happened with El and Will, the fights, the regrets, the running after.

It's just...

Too much.

While his head is still spinning, he runs up the stairs to Will's room, still with the unopened letter in his hand, but there's no way he could read it now.

-Is he okay? - the officer questions.

- He's just a little overwhelmed. Today was a big day. - Jonathan answers, then turns to his brother.- Will-

- Yeah, I'll go check on him. Again.

Will hesitates before knocking on his own bedroom door.

- Go away, Will... - The boy says through a sniff.

- Mike, let me in, please? It is my room...

The door unlocks. Will waits for Mike to be back on the bed before opening.

- Hey...

- Hi.

- Are you... Okay?

- I'm crying, Will.- Mike jabs, but there's no venom behind it.

- Yeah. Sorry. Do you wanna talk about what happened?

Mike takes a deep breath. Will is the kind of person to really listen when something is wrong. He knows when to give his opinion and when to stay quiet. Mike wonders if he deserves someone so understanding of him, specially since they hadn't been on speaking terms the last couple of months. And that was his fault.

Still, Will looks expecting, and Mike doesn't know what else to do if not... Talk. - I... Had a fight with El. - He starts. - A big one. The kind of fight you have before... something bad happens.

- Oh.- Will cautioned. He had heard it when it happened. He couldn't say that everything was going to be okay between them, because it really didn't look like it. He stayed silent, and Mike took it as a sign to continue.

- I just feel like I should've told her this one thing before she left. It was very important. But I couldn't. I don't know why, but I just can't say it.

- I understand that. Really, I do. Sometimes it's hard to open up like that. Specially if it's with someone that you care about because... What if they don't like what you say? - Will advised, based on his own experiences with secrets.

Mike shed another tear.

- But you can still tell her. - Will continued. - She's gonna come back and you can tell her then.

- Yeah. - Mike agreed shallowly. He didn't know if he was able to tell her at all.

- I don't know if you heard what the lady said, but there are gonna be two guys here with us. For protection. They're military. - Will told, changing the subject when he felt like there was nothing else to be said.

- Oh.

- Yeah. But mom is getting here soon, so maybe she can ask them to tell us where she is? Maybe we can go see her. But that's for tomorrow. We'd better go to sleep now. It's late. I'll go get your sleeping bag from downstairs.

Mike was feeling a little better. Will understood how he felt, and it made him feel better.
He decided that maybe, now it wasn't as scary to open the letter. It's probably just a coincidence, right? Maybe she didn't write the part on the envelope? Either way, the answer would be inside.

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