A Team Again

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Will's POV

A ray of sunshine goes through the window and hits my eye, waking me up. I can tell it's not too early because of the position of the sun. Mike is asleep on the floor.
Yesterday was very anxiety inducing, so I understand why he was acting so weird, specially after I brought his sleeping bag upstairs to my room. I guessed he wouldn't want to be alone on a night like this, since he had been sleeping in the guest room before.

I try to get up from my bed without waking him up, but I loose balance and almost fall.

- Oh, shit.

He thankfully doesn't wake up, so I grab some clothes to change in the bathroom and then go downstairs. There are two strangers on my couch.

- Uh, good morning?

Agent B.- Good morning kid. We work with doctor Owens. He assigned us to protect your family while he and the girl train with the Project Nina.

- Oh. Okay.

Agent S. - What is it that you want?

- Just breakfast. Is my brother up yet?

- Morning, Will. Officers. - He says while walking down the stairs. - I'm going to buy some groceries, be right back.

Agent S. - I don't think so, boy. I'm afraid you're forbidden from leaving the perimeters of the house.

Jon. - What?

Agent B. - I don't see what you don't understand. The Project is classified but I can say you're in active danger. No one is allowed to leave or enter the house except for us.

Jon - Well, that's bullshit. What do you want us to eat then?

Agent B. - Whatever you already have inside. I saw eggs in the fridge.

He opened the fridge? Jonathan is right, this is weird. We have no idea where they took El and now they're putting us on house arrest? I bet Mike is gonna flip out at this.

Jonathan reluctantly makes eggs for breakfast for the third time in a row, I make coffee for the five of us and then go upstairs to wake Mike up.

He looks so calm when he's asleep. I wish he was like that when he was up too. Sometimes he can be just an asshole. I miss when he was actually my friend.

- Hey, Mike. Mike, wake up. Hey, good morning.

He yawns and opens his eyes.

- Morning Will.

- Breakfast is ready.

- I'll be down in a second.


After eating breakfast, Mike asked me to go upstairs with him. He said he wanted to talk, so I did.

- So, what did you want to talk about? - I ask. If I know Mike at all, he probably has some kind of rebellious plan to get us out of the house.

- I think I have a plan.

- What do you mean? - bingo.

- Well, we can't leave through the front door with the Agents here. But maybe there's a way for us to sneak out. There's a backdoor in the guest room. I saw it when I slept there the first day.

- Yeah, I know. It's locked tho. And even if we find the key, how are we gonna leave without them finding out?

- Here's where my plan goes in. That weird dude Jonathan is friends with works at a pizza place, right? - Mike asks, and even though it's a rhetorical question, I nod. - Well, I was thinking maybe we could go downstairs and tell them we're hungry. Since there's only eggs in the fridge, we can ask them to order us pizza, we sneak out when theyre answering the door, and BAM! We're out and we can start looking for El! It's a perfect plan because we also get a ride to-

- Wait, El?- I interrupt. - Why would we look for her? She chose to go with Owens.

Mike looks at me like I'm crazy. - What do you mean, why? She's in danger Will. You heard what they said, there are people looking for her! They wanna hurt her.

- That's exactly why we should trust them with hiding her. Trying to follow them is just gonna lead the bad men right where they want to go!

- Trust them? When have we ever trusted them? Dude, these are the same people that faked your body and threw it in a lake! They left you To. Die. And El is the one that found you! We have to do that for her. - Mike says, then his face changes to a softer expression. - Please, Will. I need to do that for her.

I sigh. I can't say no to Mike when he's right.

- We have to be careful. Super careful. And we need to go over your plan so it doesn't have any falts. I'm gonna try to get more clues on where El is. You try to find the key and convince Jonathan.

I start packing my bag. Apparently we're gonna be runaways now. I wonder if I should bring art supplies... Well, I probably wont have time to draw while looking for El but it's better to take a few pencils and a notebook just in case. I see the drawing I made is still on my desk. Should I bring it? I don't know. I did spend a lot of time on it. But I have no purpose for it anymore, right?

-Hey, Will?

- Yeah?

-Im glad we're a team again. And... I'm sorry. For being an asshole to you. Truth is, I miss you back home. Dustin Lucas, Max, they're great. Really. But it's not the same without you. I know we can get through this because you're here with me. And you're my best friend.

The smile on his face while he says this feels like a mirror. I turn my head quickly so that he doesn't see the blush on my face, while I prevent any tears from escaping.

- Thank you. I'm glad we're a team too. - I say while packing my art supplies. And my painting.

Mike's POV

- Are you insane?

Mike - Cmon, Jonathan, we need to save El. We can't do that from here.

- And remind me why exactly we need to save El? She made the choice to go, Mike. She's safe there.

- Do you really believe that? For all we know she is being treated like a lab rat again! Listen to me, we have to do something. Every time something like this happens, we're the ones that end up doing the work. I just have this feeling in my gut that Eleven needs help right now. We have to go help her.

- You really love her, don't you?

Shivers down my spine. I can't even say it to her, imagine to someone else. I just stay silent and let Jonathan decide the answer.

- Okay. Okay, yeah, you're right. We gotta do something. You have the key, right? Just wait until it's noon. Then, we're gonna order some pizza.


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