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Will's POV

“I think I'm in love with you”


          “... in love with you... ”

                “... I'm in love with you... ”


— What?

Mike — I asked if you're okay?

— Oh. I don't know. — I say, pinching my arm. This could be a dream for all I know. A really detailed dream. — Did you just say... That you love me?

— I did — Mike sighs. — I mean, I think I do. It's really confusing.

— But... I'm a boy. And you like girls. — I state, still confused about what this really meant. What do I do now?

— Trust me, I'm aware of that.

Why did Mike tell me that? Should I say something? Is that why he had been crying this whole time?

Will — Are you okay with that?

Mike — What do you mean?

— You've been having panic attacks and crying a lot. It doesn't sound like you like feeling that way.

— I don't... I mean, it hurt at first... But now, I... I don't know. I was scared of telling you. But I don't feel scared anymore.

— Why were you scared?

— Because it's true. And I didn't want it to be. I wanted to be able to keep liking girls and not find out about this.

— I get it. It hurt me when I found out I liked boys too. It took a while to get used to it, specially when people said it's wrong.

I look up to see Mike with tears in his eyes, biting his bottom lip. He let's out a quiet sob, before resting his head on my shoulder.

— I'm so sorry Will. I'm so sorry it took me so long to figure this out. I put you through so much, I hurt you so much... I can't even imagine how that was for you. I'm so, so sorry.

— Mike it's okay. Hey, it's okay! You didn't know. You couldn't have known.

— Not exactly...

— What do you mean?

— I didn't know you loved me. I didn't know I loved you back... But I did know you liked me.

— You what?!

— I'm sorry...

— But you told me you had no idea!

— I know, I- I know! I didn't want to hurt you. I thought it would just go away after we grew up, I didn't think it meant anything! I thought you didn't feel like that anymore! — He said, getting up to look at me in the eyes

— So, what, you lied? You pushed me away even though you knew I felt something for you?

— Please, Will, I didn't want to hurt you! I know I was an asshole, but you need to believe me!

— You lied to me! How can I trust that you won't hurt me again?

— Because... B-because...

That was when it happened. When Mike closed his eyes, and leaned in, and our lips touched. All the butterflies in my stomach could've made me forget whatever it is that we were fighting about. They did.

I had dreamt about this moment for five years. Five whole years. And it was better than I could've ever imagined. It was so soft, so calm, I could loose myself in that moment. Just melt away. It was peace. Whatever tears I was holding before had been let out. I couldn't focus on anything else. I wanted to do this for the rest of my life.

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