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March 24th, 1986

This is a diary. My name is Eleven. Doctor Owens told me to write down my experiences, so this is what I'm doing. I think this works similar to a letter, I asked him if I could write as if I were going to send this to someone, he said yes, as long as I record my thoughts.

Dear Diary,

I am not stupid. Mike is lying to me, I know that. He thinks I'm the monster, he's scared of me. Not always, but he is. I don't know if he's right.

That's what I came here to find out. Maybe if I can save my friends, maybe if I can get my powers back, I can find out whether or not I can be a superhero again.


March 25th
Dear diary

Papa is alive. I wanna go home. I don't wanna do this anymore. Hes hurting me again, and doctor Owen's said I should trust him but I can't. He's hurting me. I feel like I'm back in the lab. He says this isn't a prison and I can leave whenever I want, but my friends need me. Max needs me. They told me she's in danger, that someone is trying to hurt her. I miss her so much. I've been thinking about the fight I had with Mike and I wonder if he could love me again. I think what scares me is that I'm not sure I want him to. Maybe I got it wrong. Boyfriends lie, that's what max told me. But I also lied. How long have I been lying for?


March 26th,

Dear Diary

I've been training a lot and my powers are coming back. Papa put me in project N. I. N. A. so I can remember. There's this man in my memories, and I think he's important, he keeps showing up and talking to me. He reminds me of Kali sometimes. He helped me like she did, by telling me to focus on my feelings, through my memories.

I learned something about my feelings, when I was training my powers. They don't always need to be angry to work. I can use my happy memories as well, and my powers get stronger. That's what Henry taught me. Hopefully I can learn quicker so I can leave and go help my friends in Hawkins.


March 27th,

I sent Henry to the upside down and now he wants to kill my friends.

Its not me. I'm not the monster.

Its not Henry either.

Its Papa.

He's the one who hurt us. He used us. I have my powers. I don't want to be here anymore. I am leaving.


It's not over.

El, along with Mike and Will, takes a seat in the back of the car, feeling like she's able to breathe for the first time in four days.

Papa is dead.

Mike is here.

She's okay.

Its not over, though, she wonders. We still have to stop Henry.

El turns away from the window, catching a glimpse of Mike's eyes. They seem... Mournful. Sad. She makes a note of bringing it up later, when they have time to talk about something other than Hawkins burning to the ground. Right now, there are more important matters to deal with, such as;

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