We Need To Go Back - Part Two

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Will's POV

Argyle did as I said and turned around the first chance he got. Luckily it had been only 20 minutes since he took a turn to the right, so he could get back on the highway pretty easily.

Mike had fallen asleep in the van before anyone else, unlike the other days. He was probably exhausted from all the thinking he had been doing. It didn't take more than three hours to arrive back at Carlin. It was now 10:15 pm, too late to rent a car, so we decided to get some sleep and show up at the renter first thing in the morning. Argyle needed a bit more convincing since he really had an emotional attachment to the van, but Jonathan promised him we'd go back for it as soon as we got El safe.

As we looked for a hotel room, the sleeping arrangements were being discussed.

Jon — So, Argyle and I split a room and you stay with Mike, like last time, is what I was thinking.

— Actually — I contested, think about what Mike would feel more comfortable with — I think it's better if I split the room with you tonight.

— Why? Did you fight again?

— Uh no, it's just... He snores a lot. — I said, unconvicingly. Mike was right, I did feel like laughing when I lied.

— If it's okay with you... — Jonathan said, directing it to Argyle

— Yeah, it's whatever. I'll probably just sleep like a rock after driving so much today. We really need to talk about taking turns. I can't even feel my butt, man.

— Let's just go check in. — Jonathan replied with a semi-jokingly disgusted face.

Between waking Mike up, checking in and getting all our stuff in the rooms, an hour had passed. I wasn't as tired as Jonathan seemed, so I decided I would wait for him to drift off and then go buy something from the vending machine right outside. Which is something that would take a while to happen. At first we were in a mutual silence, I sketched one of my dreams while Jonathan read a book. But then, he spoke.

— Okay, can you tell me now?

— Tell you what?

— The real reason why you didn't want to be in the same room as Mike. You've been having sleepovers since you were seven, if he really snores that much you'd be used to it by now.


— Look you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I just want make sure everything is oka-

— I told him I loved him.

— Oh... What did he say?

— That he didn't feel the same way...

— But he was okay with it right? He wasn't an asshole about it?

— Well, no, but... He's been acting weird ever since. Like, nervous. I'm afraid he'll push me away again. What if I scared him? What if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore?

— Hey, Will, it's okay! Really, he wouldn't do that, I know him. He hadn't been the best of friends lately, but it seems like you two are closer again. He wouldn't just stop talking to you because of something like this. Plus, I heard you two talking. He really cares about you, I know that.

— Thanks, Jonathan. You're the best brother anyone could ever ask for.

— I think that would be you, buddy. Is it okay if I go to sleep now?

— Yes, of course. Good night.

— Good night, Will.

And... He's out. I really appreciate when my brother tries to calm my thoughts down, but I'll only believe Mike won't cast me aside if I see it with my own eyes. I don't know why, but deep down, I still have hope that we might end up together. It's stupid, I know, but I can't help it.

I grab a few loose bucks from the shorts I was wearing earlier and open the door, trying not to make noise . I step outside and make my way down the hall to the vending machine. As I was looking at the candies and sodas, I hear a sound. I jump to the sight of Mike sitting right beside the vending machine, which I hadn't noticed because he was so quiet until now.

— Mike? —I say, and he looks up. He was sitting with his knees up, holding them and with his face down. I can see from his puffy, red and glistening eyes that he had been crying. Again. There must be something really wrong, because Mike wasn't the time to let himself cry unless he was angry.

— Hi. W-What are you doing h- here? — he says, between hiccups.

— I was hungry. What's wrong? — As if I had said some special type of code that turned a faucet on behind his eyes, they started to fill with tears and his lips trembled. He opened his mouth to say something, but it just wouldnt come out. I could tell he had a lump in his throat and that whatever he was going through right now, was really taking a toll on him. I reached down and sat on the floor beside him, my own eyes starting to water as they always did when Mike was feeling this sad. I wasn't sure if I should say something, but when he started actually sobbing, I decided it was better if I tried to comfort him.

— Hey, it's okay! It's okay, everything is gonna be okay. You're fine. —  I said, patting his back as he returned to his face down position. He quickly put his arms around my shoulders, resting his face on my neck. I jumped startled, but held him back once I realized what was happening. I could hear his disheveled breathing now that he was closer, and did my best to not cry with him and try to calm him down instead.

— Hey, let's do some breathing exercises, okay? Can you do that with me? — he nodded slowly. — Breathe in through your nose. One, two, three, four. Hold for five. One, two, three, four, five. Breathe out through your mouth. One, two three, four, five, six, seven. — I instructed him, remembering what I was taught when I was at the hospital and had panic attacks. I repeated a couple more times, his back was against the wall again but he still had one arm around my shoulder. Once he was able to speak again, i stopped the exercises. — Are you feeling better?

— Y- yeah.

— Do you wanna talk about it?

— I don't know...

— It's okay. You don't have to. I'll be here for you either way. — He smiled softly, before breathing in deeply once more.

— I just— He sighed, letting out the air he had inhaled a couple seconds ago. — I feel like I'm going crazy. Like, completely insane. I don't know what to do.

— I feel like that all the time. But hey, we promised, right? — I say making him look at me slightly confused. — Crazy Together. — I explain. He stares at me, his eyes shining again and his mouth agap. Did he forget? Does he even know what I'm talking about? I shouldn't have said tha-

— I think I'm in love with you.


OOO, what do you think is gonna happen now? Oh man, I love cliffhangers!

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