It's Gonna Be Fine

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Will's POV

— So, as I was looking for a hotel, it hit me : didn't the Byers just move to California? A small world, isn't it?

— Ah, yes, and you came right on time! We're happy to have you here Murray - as long as you'll cook. — My mom said sarcastically, but she's never sarcastic. I could've paid more attention to that if the tension from the van wasn't completely drowning everyone at the table.

— Oh, yes, I'm a whole housewife. HA! — that laugh scared the shit out of me.

Everything about that dinner was awful. The day had been miserable, my brother was as high as a kite so he had no idea what was happening,Mike was being an ass to El and El was lying to Mike. Really, nothing could make this get worse.

— So, kids, tomorrow I'm going on a work trip. To Alaska.

It just got worse.

- Alaska?! - me, Mike and El shouted at the same time.

-Since when are you going to Alaska? Why didn't you tell us about this before?

— Well, it's just for a day, I'll be back before you notice. Until then, Jonathan, you're responsible for the kids.

Jon — What? Oh yeah. Sure. Yeah. Uh, hi Murray!

— Jonathan, is everything okay? You seem a little out of it...

I don't get how my mom seemingly solved all the mysteries involving the upside down but can't clock her son being high at the table right in front of her.

Argyle — Well, Mrs byers, someone whacked this girl today with a roller skater so that's why he seems kind of weird...

Oh my God, shut up.

Argyle But it wasn't an iceskate, so it's ok, she's fine!

— She didn't seem fine... — Mike mumbles. And, at that comentary, El seems to have lost her appetite, because she gets up ( very loudly) and marches up to her room.


Dear diary,

With Mike here, I thought things would be different. I thought maybe I could feel like I was home again. Maybe we'd talk or play a game? Granted I didn't take my D&D board with me but still, we could've done something together.
Yesterday I gave El some words of encouragement, but I'm pretty sure they worked more for me than they did for her. I am sad, angry and quite honestly disappointed, but there's still time. We could still turn this around. Mike isn't going anywhere for the next week, so I'll try my best to spend as much time as I can with him.
Right now though, I think it won't take a lot for me to be able to hang out with Mike. When he gave El her breakfast today, I heard something I probably shouldn't have. She was crying, and he said something about caring very much for her, when she asked “ But you don't love me anymore?“. She went on to show him all the letters he signed with "from Mike" - instead of "love, Mike", I'm guessing.
I can understand how she feels. Not completely, but I get that she's afraid Mike thinks of her differently now that she lost her powers. I felt the same way when I got back from... That place. In the beginning, everyone paid so much attention to me that it was annoying, like I was going to break or something. But then, they stopped. As if I had stopped mattering. It was as if no one cared about me anymore.

The bell rings.

Will — I bet ten bucks mom forgot something.

— Yeah, I won't take that bet.

Jonathan goes to open the door, but the voice isn't from mom.
I overhear someone asking for Jane Hopper. When I go to check, there are two police officers standing outside.

— Well, we have a warrant that says otherwise. Excuse me, miss, are you Jane hopper?

Oh no, oh no, no...

— Uh, yes?


— Miss Hopper, you are under arrest for Aggravated Assault. You have the right to remain silent. — Said the officer, while cuffing Jane.

Will — What, no, wait, this is a misunderstanding-

Officer— Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law — He continued, while taking her to the police car.

Jonathan — Wait a second, officer-

Officer —You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. — The officer finished, while sitting El inside the vehicle and closing the door.

Mike presses himself against the moving car's window, — Eleven, listen to me, I'm gonna get you out of there, okay?- He starts, but it doesn't seem to get the effect he was hoping for as El is still crying and looking at him with a not too kind expression. - We're gonna fix this, and you'll be back home as soon as we do. It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be- —And they drove away.

— It's gonna be fine.


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