~ Chapter 18 ~

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Quick Author's Note :
I want to warn that this chapter is really long. About almost 9,000 words (8,687 words to be exact). But it's really detailed, and I want you readers to have fun reading the chapter going in depth to draw out the experience Armana and Duncan are going through. I also apologize about the slow updates, I will try to push out more content as soon as I can! <3

When the sun hung low in the evening, the beginning of the night on the island looked like oranges and purples melting into grey under the moonlight. Within the stars that was afore-cosseted by the light scattering properties of the sun's rays, the terms "morning star" and "evening star" applied only to the brightest planet of all, being Venus. It typically glowed with a steady, silvery light. Armana looked out for a "non twinkling" star just two degrees to the left from the moon.

The dinner had been set up with golden bistro lights festooned over the campers. The spot livened as an alfresco scene with separate dining tables seating two guests each. Armana sat on the opposing end from Duncan, both paralleled with their cutlery inside folded napkins—placed on top of their dinner plates. As a centerpiece, was a table runner with strands of eucalyptus leaves and a handful of tea light candles arranged along them that silhouetted a golden glow upon both the teens' features. Duncan perused through his menu card, taking a glance at Armana whose concern was focused on the sky.

"What do you see?" Duncan chose to question, seeing how the look in her eyes was captivated by something.
"I see..Venus." Armana spoke slowly, carefully keeping her eyes on it.
"Venus? I didn't know you could see planets from here. How do you know?"
"Well, you should first know that there's a difference between planets and stars; stars twinkle and planets don't. They both appear as pinpoints of light. But when you look at a star, you'll see that it twinkles and the light may appear to change colors. Stars are also very far away from the solar system, so planets are closer, even if they appear as tiny since ya know, we're down here. Come next to me."

Duncan slid his chair from underneath the table and placed it next to Armana. After he shifted until he sat comfortably close enough to her, she pointed.

"Venus is one of the brightest objects in the night sky because it has these thick clouds reflecting the sun's light." She explained. "It is the closest planet to Earth and as it's neighbor, it easily outshines all other celestial bodies in the night. Except the moon of course."
Duncan sighed, "Way to remind me how I get through in life using one brain cell."
"Nonsense, my baby brother just watches Kids Learning Tube."
"Still, I cherish who you are as a person. Being smart is a beautiful quality. You know what else you remind me of?"
"What we need to pick back up from earlier. I still have plans for us tonight."

Armana felt a rush of hormones travel into her bloodstream as a strong lustrous permeance. She had to push to the back of her mind of what he meant by Tonight in modesty of being able to engage in the challenge. She sensed he could've done it on purpose as a way of making her offset.

"Looks like you were having high hopes for tonight to come, huh?" Duncan teased her, placing his hand on her adjacent thigh.
"I know what you said from earlier was on purpose. It probably wasn't even meant to be sexual, you just like to have that ability over me."
"What ability?"
"By what you do to me. My emotions. Thousands of feelings that I feel like I've gone through ever since I met you. It has this counter effect that renders me from thinking straight."
"Well, how could I be able to resist charming the cutest doll such as you? Of course, I feel this sexual energy that's postponed between us. I was only pointing it out."
Armana rolled her eyes at Duncan tempting her but paid attention to the present hand groping her thigh.
"Armana," He called to her with his voice lacking his usual jocular characteristic but serious in which, his vocal chords produced a low resonance saying her name. "What's so nice about your thighs is that they're soft and smooth and so non-muscular. They feel so plush and would be cushiony around my cock if I lifted them up and fucked it in between them."

One Boy. A Thousand Feelings | DuncanWhere stories live. Discover now