~ Chapter 7 ~

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"Alright campers listen up, your next challenge will begin in 10 minutes and be prepared to bring it." Chris announces.

Armana had looked at Duncan strangely as a big smirk expanded up his cheeks. They all left the dining hall and are lead to the shore where a set up of clear glass walls are encompassing a court. Armana looks up at her surroundings, entering the prearrangement. She is followed by Duncan who crashes on the bleachers.

"Wake me up, and it'll be the last thing you'll do." Duncan promises, pointing at his team—besides Armona—before exhaustedly laying the side of his face down on the bench.

They all stood in a line, on the (somehow) gym floor. Chef Hatchet was the ref, giving the teams ugly mugs and looks before standing with Chris.

"Today's challenge is the classic game of Dodgeball," Chris presents. "The first rule of dodgeball is–"
"Not talk about dodgeball?" A short boy who Armana knew was a bit of a know-it-all, including his chosen sarcasm, interrupted Chris.
"As I was saying, if you get hit with the ball,"
Chris throws the ball at Armana, which she catches, hearing as the ball resonates before chucking the same force at Chris.
"You're out. If you catch the ball, you'll get to bring another team member out on the court."

"Okay now Geoff try to hit me," He tosses a ball to the guy, having one himself. "If you're holding a ball, you can use it to deflect the ball. But if the ball falls out of your hands, you're out."

Armana never really played dodgeball, except games she's played in middle school but the balls were made of foam. She'd usually see these types of things in movies or other tv films, which probably sets the air that this could possibly be lethal.

"Wait, so what do I do when the ball is coming at me?" Lindsay, the traditional pretty-blonde-yet-super-dumb girl, asks.
"You dodge!" He deflects Geoff's ball with the one he's holding, which slightly ricochets and hits Lindsay in the face.
'Way to keep the tradition'
"Oooh," Chris utters imagining how painful that ball could've been. "You were suppose to dodge!"
"Ugh, right." Lindsay listens, but there's a huge knot on her forehead.

Armana shakes her head. But she could only imagine that would be her how clumsy she can be.

"You have one minute til game time. Gophers, you'll have to sit one person out each game." Chris finishes.

Armana looks to see that there were already a certain number of people sitting out the game, which meant that she would have to play out court. They all stood behind an aligned row of balls on either sides.

"Bring it on fishies, winning three in a row just won't be as satisfying." Heather's smug. Much for Armana's irritation.
"Bring it on, were gonna bring the dinner to the table and then we're gonna eat it." Tyler fails to comeback, which Heather was probably looking for because she only worked her best with dumb enough people to think she's their savior.
But the entire team looked confident, which could've been apart of some plan.
"Alright, best five out of five wins! Let's play, some ball!" Chris cues.

Armana made sure she was one of the first people to pick up a ball, quickly peering at the Gophers as three of their members did so as well. A boy takes the first shot, the ball neighboring Tyler but he dodges. He then takes a spin, possibly as an initiative to build power in the strike of his arm but when he does, it completely goes out of bounds and ends up hitting Sadie in the face.

"That's one way to smear the makeup." Chris comments.
"Great job, now lets see if you can hit someone on their team." Courtney gives Tyler her ball, which chubster Owen tries to take advantage of.

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