~ Chapter 8 ~

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Duncan panted, finishing his business as he zipped his pants back up. He washed and dried his hands, smiling as he came out of the bathroom with the new feeling of relief.

'Damn you Armana'

The girl was sitting on one side of the porch of the cabin, something in her hands.

"Ya know Armana, fuck you." Duncan cussed at the girl, but when she looked at him he was clearly joking.
"Eh, not a fan," Armana chuckles. "What happened?"
"Don't act like you're all innocent, you know what you did back there."
Armana chuckles, knowing what he was referring to.
"How does it feel?" Armona teases.
"Well good now, now that it's gone."
There was a silence.
"Wait did you..."
"Took my time doing it." Duncan shrugs.

Armana covers her mouth in shock, bursting into laughter.

"Oh my god, seriously Duncan?" She laughs.
"You shouldn't do things like that." Duncan says.

The girl shook her head but Duncan then sees what she has over her lap.

"Hey, are you drawing?" Duncan immediately remembered her so said talent as he asks her, causing the girl's laughter to stop and hide her sketchbook.
"No." Her voice shrinks.
"Yes you are, or else you wouldn't be acting all shy and stuff and just show me. Come on, I promise I won't judge you or anything just let me see." Duncan opens his hand.
Armana shakes her head no.
"Please, Princess?"

She looks at Duncan as he pouted. She sighs, giving in and handing her book to him.

"It's not finished yet." She says quietly, carefully watching his reaction.

Duncan studied the picture, seeing that she was just about outlining. He moves his thumb, first noticing the face of a girl. Her eyes are just about wide, that of a vacant stare of a doe, but they squinted with the lift of her cheeks and her expanding full smile. He looks at the fine line of her eyebrows, naturally full and arched. Her nose. He always liked her nose. It was broad and at the same time it seemed to curve perfectly on its shape. Her thick hair was kept in a low bun, distinctly coily with each strand. Altogether, it looked exactly like Armana, and he was surprised the girl drew so advanced that she could manage to.

Noticing she only took up half of the paper, he moves his other thumb, a rhythmic bounce felt in his chest. He sees himself leaning his elbow on her shoulder, a smirk on his face as there's a speech bubble exacting his same words as 'Hey, short stuff'. Armana watched him as he analyzed her drawing, patiently waiting for him to say something. Suddenly, he begins to flip through other pages to see any other of her drawings. Much for the girl's fear.

"N-No, Duncan." She reaches to grab her book, but Duncan holds it from her reach.
"What? Your drawings are great, you do even better than a camera." He compliments her, by then heat warming Armana's face.
"I really like the one you did of me, reminds me how hot I look." Duncan self assures himself.
"Can you just give it back please?" Armana hides under her hand, reaching her other arm out and waving her fingers.

He decided to hand it back to her, especially since he didn't want anything to happen to it, knowing it was probably really special to her.

"Thanks though Duncan," Armana smiles. "Took a lot of time, especially with your jaw work and your eyes."
Duncan slides closer to her, enough to smell her scent.
"Where'd you learn to draw like that?" He asks.
"My dad. Mainly. He's a really good artist, he taught me how to draw more males since I always used to draw girls. But I also learned on body work, proportions and stuff like that."
Duncan nods.

Armana turns to him, her hands on his thigh as she leaned.

"Are you good at anything?" She asks, Duncan smirking before she realized what she was doing and removed her hands.
"Eh, nothing much, I just like to carve things, spray paint over walls, break the rules with stuff like that. But I can tell you one thing." Duncan says.
"Yeah?" Armana waits.
"I'm known to be a really good kisse–"

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