~ Chapter 27 ~

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"A-Against Jojo?" Armana echoed in stunned confusion.
"Why? We already have to vote someone off for losing the challenge." Duncan justified.
"Sure, but, really it's just to even the disproportion from your team and the Gophers'."
"Bullshit." Armana barely murmured.
"I beg your pardon?" Chris cupped his ear.
Armana opened her mouth but felt someone put their hand on her shoulder.
"It's alright, Armana," Jojo suddenly assured her. "Because I forfeit this challenge."
Jojo earned expressions of shock from her peers and an unimpressed Chris.
"If you forfeit the challenge, you're immediately disqualified from the show." He told her.
"Did I stutter? That's the point of me forfeiting the challenge, genius."
Now Armana grabbed Jojo's shoulder to face her.
"Jojo, what's up? Why are you doing this? Why are you giving up when we've already came this far?" Armana incited with a whisper.
"As much as you're right, I don't think I can go on any further. Every sunrise I wake up and realize I'm still here, I've just been on the brink of quitting." Jojo frustratedly responded.
"Hold on Chris."

Armana pulled Jojo to the side with well enough distance that the two could talk amongst themselves.

"Jo, think of $100,000. You could win this."
But Jojo shook her head, "He's only using that reward to induce this desired behavior from us or see how far we'll go with this humiliation. Heck, this isn't even what we signed up for. We were told a five star resort, yet this looks like Shrek's swamp only it's an island."
"That's true, but guess what? You still went on with the show, because? Of the hope of winning the cash prize. Yeah these challenges are awful but they're supposed to test you. To see if Jojo, miss señorita, is likely to be the last one to stand. I mean, think about it; which challenge has been your favorite so far?"
"...Mmmmm...I do have to say that we rocked that cooking one. It was like it had my name as a cipher in the challenge."
"But...I don't like that he chose us out of all people to pit against each other. I get it could've been anyone of us and if not now, then later but I just wonder if there's any reason behind it. Is it closeness in height? Weight? Our personalities? Or because we worked so well in that cooking challenge? I could just be overthinking it."
"I hear what you're saying. I wonder too. And I dont think it's fair. However, that still doesn't mean you should just quit. Even if it's by elimination, you'd be credited for your effort. Think of what made you want to come on here. Of who's watching at home."
Jojo looked to the side which Armana knew was in contemplation.
"Now I'm not trying to persuade you on behalf of the show, I just want you to give yourself an opportunity. You don't have to feel bad about going against me, I can take being eliminated if it's to see someone who means something to me success. We are competitors if you think about it."
"Yeah but there's just something I sense about you."
"What do you mean?"
"You know how someone is the main character of a story? I just feel like you play an integral role to this whole thing. Even if you consider yourself an introvert, your influence on the show is extroverted. You being picked determined all of who came on here. Not even on any bullshit, you're powerful. It's like I was only planted in this moment of your life to support you. And therefore I am, by quitting or like you said, to see someone who means something to me success."

Armana was astounded more so bewildered hearing Jojo's words. The strangest part was that she didn't speak with sarcasm but with a kind of awe as she spoke to try to make sense of how she was feeling.

"I know it's hard to realize right now but the further you go on in the competition, you'll utilize that power to your advantage. And when you do, it'll be a game of tossing balls at clowns. The bigger the clown, the bigger target you'll have." Jojo smiled.

She finally ended Armana's insistence, knowing she wouldn't stop her as she proceeded to their cabin to pack her bags.

Armana, 16
>I literally have no words. I don't know if I should. Like I'm beyond shocked. I don't know if I should be happy about her giving up her spot since I guess I won't be eliminated, but it's not as far as that. I wanted to make sure she valued herself and that she wasn't just giving up because she didn't feel good enough. It just makes me sad that she's going cause she definitely could've been a game changer.<

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