~ Chapter 11~

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The night continued with everyone sleeping in the tent.

Armana slightly laid comfortably on Duncan's chest. As she slumbered, she wasn't aware of one of Duncan's hands resting on her lower back. One or two of his fingers marginally slid her shirt up and tugged on the waistband of her underwear from under her jeans. She hears murmurs of voices through her suspended consciousness, adjusting in her sleep. She was satisfied for the moment of silence that shortly recurred, but suddenly hears screaming.

The voices of their terror startles Armana out of her sleep, nearly landing her hand on Duncan's face when she sat up.

"Wha–what?! What's wrong?" She asks, frightened.

Right as she was concerned, the tent dissolved into ashes. She's shocked, looking around her and seeing Bridgette sitting by the fire during her search. She innocently smiles and waves at her camp mates but Courtney growls.

"Great! That's just great Bridgette! Now. We have no where. To sleep!" Courtney hollers.

Armana sees Duncan's eyes droop open, looking at her contently until he hears Courtney yelling.

"Yo, What the hell drama queen? Relax." He tells her, annoyed.
"Relax? Things could not possibly get worse!" Courtney says.

Armana feels a droplet on her head.

'Aw shi–

A cloudburst pervaded amongst the teens, Armana instantly hating her hair and clothes becoming drenched.

"Hey, guys, quick! We can try sitting under this branch." DJ loudly says over the rain.

They all sat on the ground as close they could to DJ. Of course it wouldn't do anything, but maybe it could reduce the worst. Armana felt Duncan rest an arm around her, a time where he was grateful that she didn't smack it away. It conveyed a closer connection between them as the teens met each other's eye level.

"Have I told you how much I can hate water?" Armana asks him.
"No, I don't think you have. What's wrong with it?" He queries, as a bang of lightning sounds.
"It's just sometimes when it's not wanted, it really doesn't feel as comfortable. Plus, my hair will look terrible after this." Armana chuckles.

Duncan laughs with her, giving her a slow, assuring, and passionate kiss on her temple. Of course everyone saw, he knew Armana would kill him after this. That rang deeply through his head seeing her still smiling. She giggles, pulling Duncan down by his earlobe.

"I am gonna pummel your ass." She promises.

The rain had stopped sometime overnight. Everyone had to sleep outside on the ground due to their tent gone. Armana slowly opens her eyes, a warm relief that it was morning. That meant they survived a night in the woods, which happily congratulated them to head back to camp. She yawns while stretching out her back. She didn't remember how or where she had fallen asleep.

'More like whom I fell asleep on'

She looks around her, seeing her other camp mates just awaking as she did. She sees Duncan, who was lying on his back. She felt a bit easier seeing him every morning. Only this time, she was slightly annoyed seeing Courtney snuggling up to him.

Armana, 16
>Okay, I'll admit, seeing Courtney being all touchy with Duncan and then denying it—i-it's honestly getting on my nerves.<

"Morning Sunshine." Duncan greets towards Armana.
"As bright as I can be. Duncan." She forces a smile.

She didn't exactly want to be jealous or else it would feel like she's putting rules over him. Although, Duncan's words played in her mind.

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