~ Chapter 6 ~

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The challenge was still lasting, four days having passed, it was torture.

Duncan looked to see Chris bringing out a large book.

"And so I came up with the most sleep inducing activity I could find; the history of Canada. A pop up book, chapter one; The beaver, the national symbol and a "dam" fine hat." Chris reads.

He seemed so energetic, he even had a cup of coffee in his hand.

'Son of a bitch, hope he swallows a bug and chokes on it'

Duncan groaned, feeling his eyes becoming heavier and heavier to the point where it felt like they were being pulled by strings. Two more people had fell asleep, Heather and Eva, leaving him and Gwen as the last two people on either teams neck and neck.

He already missed Armana, simply because she hasn't been awake and he lived hearing her laugh or being nearly revolted when he'd flirt towards her, because he was given attention and all of hers would be on him. Now that she was asleep, as he said, it would be meaningless in winning because his one motivation was now disincentive.

After a long period of Chris reading, he paused.
"Alright, time for a bathroom break. Any takers?" He asks the leading competitors.

Duncan slightly sighed of disappointment, seeing as he would have to lift Armana up from him. He had the strong urge to pee though.

"Struggling Duncan?" Gwen teases at seeing Duncan's contemplation.
"Shut it." He comments.

He gently lays Armana gently on the ground beside where his lap was. His leg had fallen asleep as he staggered standing up.

"You've got five minutes," Chris gives. "As long as you don't mind any company."
Duncan looked at the cameraman following him.
"Fine, but just stay out of the stall."
The man nods.

Meanwhile, Armana stretches, sitting herself up from the grass.

"Aw man, I lost the challenge. I don't even remember falling asleep." The girl mumbles to herself.

She looked around, wondering where Duncan was.

"And we have news," Chris suddenly announces. "It looks like Duncan has taken a dive on the can. Which means, the official winner of the Awake-a-thon is...Gwen!"

What, Duncan was the last to stand for our team?

Armana was shocked but for some reason, she felt proud. She guessed it was because it was like the two made a promise to each other that one of them would be the last ones to be awake. Although they didn't win, some satisfactory anchored in Armana's chest how far Duncan had came.

She decided to take a shower, which was accommodated in the communal bathroom, but luckily there wasn't really anyone there. She changes into the outfit she leaves outside from the water. She fixes her hair into a low bun while she wore a black halter neck that cropped to her waistline due to the tiny tassel balls hanging from the end of the shirt. She dances her hips into another pair of skinny blue jeans, seeming to be her best friend, before she stuck along with her tennis shoes again.

She walks back to the campground, hearing a loud commotion erupting from her team's cabin. She suddenly sees objects being thrown out of the window.

"What the hell," Armana was irked. "Why is she throwing all of our stuff on the ground?"
"Where is my MP3 player?!" Eva yells.
"She's been going at it ever since she woke up." Bridgette says.
"Well she shouldn't be having a temper tantrum about it, she's acting like a complete child."

Armana watched as the girl groaned and yelled, you could've believed if she were to turn into the Incredible Hulk.

"One of you must've stolen it," She points. "I need my music! No one is going anywhere until I get my MP3 player back."
Armana looks around.
"Could anyone please just save us the episode with finding Eva's MP3 player?" She asks her teammates.
"I wouldn't have any idea where it is. For a person to lose their prize possessions, they are always accountable for whatever faults are along that attribute." Courtney confers.

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