~ Chapter 26 ~

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The next morning, Armana stirred awake to the strange disturbance of an airplane. The problem was; if you can hear one while it's thousands of feet in the air due to the sound pressure level decreased the further away you are from the source, imagine how loud it had to be sounding as close to being just outside your cabin. The searing sound of its jet engines harshly whooshed in Armana's ears, as if the ruckus was hardly being blocked by the cabin's walls. She tightly squeezed her eyes close as she attempted to block the sound out by covering her ears with her pillow. It seemed to have woken her two other cabin mates, not that she was surprised.

"Aw hell nah." Jojo sated, angrily flipping her cover from over her and stormed outside.

Still in her bonnet, Armana joined her, seeing the other campers curiously seeking the noise. Above was a familiar yellow aircraft, the same biplane  used for Owen and Izzy's fear factor. And for some reason, it was heading right towards them.

"Hit the deeeeeeck!" Geoff shouted, the campers screaming in fear as they made way of the plane landing.

Chris appeared to be horribly piloting the plane as he drove too close to the point that if he weren't careful—people could've been splattered against the propeller. He used an open path in the campground as a runway to slow down the plane and descend to the surface. As the disc brakes were deployed, the plane continued to roll upon landing; one of its pairs of wings breaking a shed in its path. It was eventually brought to a standstill, Chris casually hanging his arm out of the window as if he was cruising.

"Just flexing your muscles for today's X-Treme sport challenge!" Chris exclaimed through a megaphone.
"This man crazy." Jojo demeaned. "He know it is too early to be doing this shit."
"Damn right. Always trying to make these dramatic ass entrances." Armana claimed.
"This week you'll participate in three challenges; first up, X Treme Sofa Bed Skydiving!"
'What in the hell even is that?'
"Contestants will plummet—uhhh skydive—to a waiting sofa bed target below."

The furniture was brought for demonstration.

'Why does everything in this place have to look like it's about to break down?'

One of the doors on the plane popped out and slid back to reveal Chef being the guinea pig for the presentation. You could guess in the case of any of the teens wondering if the stunt was safe to begin with (or if it was to have the producers' approval to make this an episode). As Chef wore a parachute backpack, below him was a shabby sofa with its back lowered to reveal its concealed mattress.

"If his heavy ass jump, that shit is going to collapse under him. There's springs poking out at this very second." Jojo murmured to Armana. "Look, look, look."
Chef hopped onto the sofa bed and as soon as his body made contact, he was crushed by the sofa trying to fold back into a seat.
"Dayum!" Jojo blurted but quickly covered her mouth, causing Armana to stifle a laugh.
They could hear muffled cries of pain being gave from the man. Armana grimaced.
"Of course, you'll be skydiving from five thousand feet."
"He just gone continue like that shit ain't happen? We about to die." Jojo softly interjected to her.
"Relax Jo, this is only our first challenge."
"And, you'll be using these."

Chris chucked two worn backpacks that seemed to be designated to either of the teams.

"Our lucky contestants are Trent and DJ." Chris appeared have to a list of designated names on a the sheet of paper he rustled out.
"Sure why not?" Trent tolerated. "You know what they say on Black Cone Mountain, bro; best glimpse of heaven on the way into hell. Let's do this."
"Yeah, uh, sure. Bring it o-on." DJ tried to match his energy.
"Not so fast because the second challenge of the day is; X-Treme Rodeo Moose Riding! Contestants will rodeo ride The Great Canadian Bucking Moose for eight seconds or get hoofed into a giant heap of stinky socks from the lost and found!"
"That stank pile ain't nothing but laundry day back home." Leshawna took up.
"It's your lucky day, Leshawna. You're riding for Gophers! And Geoff, you're riding for Bass."
Geoff expressed optimism, pumping his fist in the air.
"And the final challenge; X Treme Seadoo Water Skiing,"

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