~ Chapter 3 ~

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The next part of their challenge, everyone dressed back into their clothes as both teams were tasked to transfer their crates of supplies back to the camp place—where they'd start building their hot tub.

"Building a hot tub? That's interesting. I wonder how we'll be able to do that." Armana says, pushing her crate.
"Eh the man's insane. I couldn't see us chancing with getting past the first step of opening these things with our teeth." Duncan says, kicking his crate with either of his feet.

Armana, 16
>Already on our first challenge, it's a bit insane. But I guess we'll just have to see how how far we'll get within the task, so, I'm holding my breath<

Moving the crates along the shore, Armana hears one of her teammates.

"Ow, I think I just got a splinter." She sees Courtney wince, observing where the wood must've been embedded in her finger.

Armana eyed between the girl and the backs of the other team. She couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed, since it was the first distraction she was seeing with her team.

'Moving your mouth, doesn't do it for your feet as well'

She sees Eva, a dark haired brawny girl, pick up Courtney's crate, completely lifting it over her head as if it were weightless.

"Shut up, and move your crate. Chicken." She tells Courtney, seeing her with the silly hat on.
Courtney debates, "Hey, I'm the only one with CIT camping experience. You need me."

Armana could already feel those psychic vibes from Eva's expression.

'What the fuck?'

"The hell is CIT?" Duncan questions, more quietly as it was addressed towards Armana.
"It stands for Counselor in Training or something." She answers him, standing by her crate as her team had stopped moving.
"How do you know?" He asks her knowledge.
Armana shrugs, "My cousin took apart of a role at a summer camp once. She was looking for job opportunities, and I guess being a counselor turned out to be her thing."

She could hear the Gophers singing, probably happy because they were using pull carts to carry everything.

"Aw man," Armana sighs. "I wonder what the hold up is. We're already behind and it's like they're completely oblivious."
"Ugh, I gotta take a whizz." Tyler—who Armana heard was known as a jock at his school—says, which would be another delay for the team.

Duncan chuckled as the girl impatiently sighed. She simply breathed, walking up where the teens seemed to be sidetracked.

"Is everything okay?" She asks them.
Eva sets her crate down, "Well, I could say we have the crappiest people to have as a team."
Armana felt amused by Eva's comment, soft laughter succeeding against her chest. But her eyes roam casually around her surroundings, suddenly seeing Courtney's swollen eye.
"Courtney? What happened to your eye?" She concerned.
"I'm not sure but, I know I have an allergy for bee stings." Courtney confesses, sighing.

She then hears loud grating sounds beside her, seeing Katie and Sadie–two girls who were basically doppelgängers of each other through their outfits–scratching their butts rapidly. Armana stared at the girls inquisitively, only to notice their suffering had to do with their brightly reddened skin. They were wearing pink roll up shorts and through the sunlight, Armana witnessed their bare skin irritant with raising spots.

"Um are you guys okay? In some cases, scratching usually makes things worse." She spoke in general.
"Not unless you just have a simple itch. Do you think it's pee burn?" Katie asks.
"Pee burn? You guys were peeing?" Armana asks them.
They nod.
"Did you squat down when you went to go pee in the woods?" Bridgette joins herself in on the conversation, obviously having bigger witness.
The two girls nod.
"Did you happen to notice what plants you were squatting over?" She further questions.
"They were kind of oval shaped and green and all over the place." Sadie described.
Armana knew where this was heading to.
"Were they low to the ground? About this big?" She interferes, measuring her hands with her words.
The girls nod.
Bridgette chuckles, "You guys squatted over poison ivy."

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