~ Chapter 4 ~

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Armana watched as the fire blazed, a warmth  pursuing the air.

"Killer Bass, marshmallows would usually represent a tasty treat that you would enjoy roasting by the fire. At this camp, marshmallows represent life."

A plate of marshmallows were platformed on Chris's hand, as it had been time for elimination.

"You've all cast your votes and made your decision, there are only 11 marshmallows on this plate. If I call your name, come up and receive a marshmallow. But if I do not call your name, you must walk the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers. That means, you are out of this contest and won't be able to come back. Ever."

Armana feels a soft panic rising in her chest, but at the same time she was confident. Surely, the team had summed up their votes with Ezekiel for his sexist comments. Maybe homeschool wasn't the best to be schooled.

"First marshmallow goes to...Geoff." Chris calls off.

Everyone was holding a stick to roast their marshmallow with. Armana had never done that since she didn't really go camping. She listened until her name was called.

She smiles, pushing the marshmallow onto her stick.
"And finally, the last marshmallow goes to....," Chris waits dramatically, pointing his finger between the teens as if it were really too hard to decide.

The girl smiles as she finally breathed, "Phew, thanks."

Chris openly welcomed Ezekiel to the dock of shame, relief soothing on the rest of the contestants.

"For the rest of you," Chris looks at the group. "You're all safe...for now."

Armana smiles, satisfied with her marshmallow-on-a-stick. She feels someone nudge her, seeing that it was Duncan as they both were roasting their treats by the fire.

"So we still survive." He says.
Armana nods, "I could only imagine what he'll have for us next. I feel like that was a close game."
"Maybe it'll be even closer."

Duncan dances his eyebrows at her, which she rolled her eyes and earned from the flirt his laughter. Armana huffs, but made sure to turn her stick so that her marshmallow could brown evenly.

"Oh come on babe." Duncan teases her, tossing his arm around her shoulder. "You know you can't deny me."
"Or maybe I can and you're just not my standards." Armana retorts, a smile pleased on her face by her comeback before she smacks Duncan's hand off her shoulder.
"That's okay, I dig that in a chic. She knows what she wants, and if I have to work for it, it really tells me how you deem yourself."
"Aren't you the hawk-eye." Armana sarcastically invokes.

Duncan shrugs, biting his marshmallow. Armana does the same, feeling light crunches underneath her teeth and gooeyness against the walls of her gum. It tasted delicious. She looks to see if anyone hadn't eaten their's but was disappointed to see their sticks headless.

"Well, I guess that's it for the night." Armana yawns.
"Want me to walk you?" Duncan smiles.
"No I'm good, but thanks. Sweet dreams to any bed bugs." She waves him off.
"Looking forward to it."

With that, the two had ducked off into the respective sides of their cabin. Armana threw on her pajamas and decided to say one last thing as her video diary before officially going to sleep.

Armana, 16
>Well, I guess things pretty much sums up my first day here at this camp. I feel like while you get used to things here, they'll start to be normal and just apart of having fun<

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