~ Chapter 2 ~

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"Here's the deal, we're gonna split you into two teams and if I call your name, you'll be standing over there on the opposite side from the others." Chris says, holding a paper Armana assumed he'd be reading off of.

She waited until she'd hear her name, but took the time to see who was who if she was going to be staying around strangers for the next month.

"Gwen. Trent. Heather. Cody. Lindsay. Beth. Katie. Owen. LeShawna. Noah. Justin. And...Izzy." Armana watched as he had gone person by person, who if were called had stood on the other side of the area.
"You all are known as...The Screaming Gophers!"

'That was an interesting name'

As Armana was curious what her team would mascot, she had noticed her name wasn't called —which meant she would be filling in as the other group.

Chris continues, "The rest of you over here; Geoff. Bridgette. DJ. Tyler. Sadie. Courtney. Ezekiel. Duncan. Eva. Armana. Jojo. And Harold. Move! Move! Move!"

"Looks like you're with me short stuff." Duncan nudges Armana, pulling her attention from her trance.
"Yeah, yeah don't get to thinking of any ideas." She says.

Armana stood with her team, Duncan smiling at her as he had pushed someone aside to stand next to her. Chris throws a red banner to a ginger, who she remembers as Harold, while it unrolled from his hands to show a fish.

"You guys will be officially known as...The Killer Bass." Chris proclaims.
"Hm, pretty cool." Armana comments underneath her breath.
"Alright, campers, you and your team will be on camera through all public areas in this competition."

They walked on a tour, simply seeing the layout of the camp and all the separate areas in which they'd be in and probably where cameras would most likely be rolling.

"You'll also be able to share your innermost thoughts with video diaries any time you want. Let the people know what you're really thinking or just get something off your chest." Chris explained, which these moments would be recorded in a porta-potty.

A few people tested it out, Armana deciding to be one of the numbered.

Armana, 16
>I'm practically new at this, well, we all are. I don't have too much to say except, I know how much I talked to my family about this and winning $100,000. Honestly, it sounds crazy now that I'm here actually doing this, but I'll give it a chance other than not having my hotel<

After her words, she opened the door and rejoined with the campers outside.

"Alright campers to continue on to our tour, now for your cabins." Chris greets two separate houses. "Gophers, you're in the East cabin. Bass, you're in the West."

Armana followed the girls West into one of the doors of their designated cabin. She looked to see that their room was distributed with bunk beds, at least at a foot range from each other but stood easy enough for walk space from the clearance of the other side of the room. She decided to put her bags on one of the top bunks.

"I call dibs on this bed." She made sure to call out, in case her luggage wasn't big enough of a saying where she would be sleeping.
"Well I guess there's to say, as long as these dusty beds don't have bed bugs." Courtney, a girl with shoulder length brown hair and who looked like one of your supervisors, inspected under the covers.
Armana shrugged, hearing Chris from outside.
"Campers! You have a half hour to unpack before meeting me at the main lodge." He announces, tapping at his watch.

Armana then began to unpack her belongings, surveying where she could put them. But promptly, she hears a huge scream prolonging through the island, even birds flitting away from the disturbance.

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