~ Chapter 21 ~

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Armana watched Geoff and DJ sled down the precipitous hill, so far avoiding any obstacles. Duncan returned towards them reaching halfway down.

"Hey, you're back." Armana exuberantly welcomed him.
"Of course babe, I said it'll only be right quick." He said to her.
"Did you find what you were looking for?"
"Yup, im holding it in my hand right now. Hey DJ! Look who I found!"

He raised his hands above his head and opened them to present the rabbit sitting contently in his palms. He could see Geoff excitedly pointing his finger in his direction, speaking enthusiastically to DJ. It motivated him to steer with more purpose, Gwen and Leshawna catching up to just pass along them. The teams suddenly traveled past explosions igniting in proximal locations downhill. Off in the distance, Chris pushed a detonator to ignite the unsuspecting dynamite. Must be inspired a lot by Michael Bay.

"We had a few explosives left over and I just hate to waste." He sadistically reasoned.

Adversely, DJ and Geoff slide right over a concealed explosive, shooting them high in the air and off course. Owen and Lindsay cheered prematurely seeing Gwen and Leshawna gain close to the bottom of the hill and predictively cross the finish line. The Killer Bass watched on disappointedly until they heard an omniscient sound of a slide whistle conveying something/someone rapidly descending.

Armana looked skyward, animated to see DJ and Geoff coming back down.
"Look!" She pointed, subconsciously pulling Duncan into her by his lower back.

They landed on the ribbon marking the finish line with a massive thud, Geoff froze in the midst of clinging onto DJ still petrified by the near death experience. Owen and Lindsay slumped in their posture, mouths agape at their convenient timing just as Gwen and Leshawna made it. The Bass clamored in shouts of joy, running to surround Geoff. Armana stayed by Duncan's side, watching DJ quickly tear off the occluding cloth and strode in awe of seeing the doppelgänger rabbit in the boy's hands. He gently picked it up with open palms before spinning around out of rejoice. He then wept, holding the rabbit soothingly close to his face.

"Thanks Duncan," He said, his voice trembling in between shedding tears. "You're the best."
"Whatever man it's just a stupid rabbit." Duncan dismissed.
"Aww, he must've really missed him. I'm sure he's in your debt since you went out of your way to do that for him." Armana ascertained.
"Guy thinks he's mother nature trying to be one with these wild animals. It's annoying to be honest."
"Yet you still did it for him. I mean, didn't you go through the same thing when you were younger? Your dog ran away when you were a little boy, right? It's like a parallel situation in this case."
"Ok, ok fine. You saw right through me. I didn't want him to go through the same thing. I just...don't want people to think that I'm going soft or something."
"Oh Duncan, don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But on one condition."
"And what might that be?"
"You have to promise me that you'll remember not to carry any burden of inadequacy. You'll be free to be yourself, know that your good enough for who you are and not on definitions of how masculine or manly someone may find you because that's just unrealistic and unnecessary."
"....I don't know if I can guarantee that, princess. That's a lot to promise on."
"It sounds like a lot but it's simple, you're a sweetheart. You don't have to be afraid to show it. Just try and remember that." She embodied him into a hug, smushing the side of her face in his chest.
He adored the sight and returned her sentiment. Then he kissed her ear before whispering into it, "But how else am I gonna make sure these runner ups know you're mine?"
Armana tittered, "Oh trust me, they know. Your hickeys haven't even healed yet."
"Healed? Are you kidding? I wanna exult and flaunt them like they're a fashion awareness."

His words elated Armana to laugh.

"And so Campers, here we meet again. Killer Bass as winners of the Toboggan race!" Chris declared, seeing them illustrate their cheers.
"Unfortunately," Chris interposed over them. "I said that these were blind challenges. By taking off the blindfold for a moment you broke the number one rule. Which makes the Gophers today's winner!"

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