~ Chapter 12 ~

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Armana, 16
>Some people may not believe me, but I think it's true, I become seriously insecure of myself, that I won't believe the person, or like I said, be in denial<

Armana shrugs her words off, looking for someone else to speak as they all looked at her in silence. She turns hearing Gwen clear her throat.

"Well, my worst fear–I guess–is being buried alive." Gwen speaks.
"Walking through a mine field...in heels." Lindsay says.
"Flying man, that's some crazy stuff." Owen admits.

While hearing their words, Armana didn't acknowledge Duncan's look of disappointment, or more of hurt. He determined to talk with her later.

"I'm scared of hail. Small but deadly dude." Geoff says.
"Being left alone in the woods." Bridgette confesses.
"Saying the wrong line of a song if I'm asked on stage for a concert." Jojo says.
Sadie sniffs from crying, "Bad haircuts."
"O-oh okay," Lindsay intervenes. "I change mine, that's so much scarier than a mine field."
"Having to defuse a time bomb under pressure." Cody, too specifically, says.
"I'm not really afraid of anything." Courtney wishes people's attention.
"Bologna Courtney, you were totally freaked out last night by the campfire, or so, you had a spasm over green jello." Armana says, subconsciously leaning her elbow on Duncan's shoulder.
"As if, the things just suddenly came out of nowhere," Courtney shrugs and looks at Duncan.
"What exactly is your phobia bad boy?" She asks him.
"Yeah Duncan, you've been a bit quiet." Armana chuckles.

She watched as Duncan averted his eyes in panic, lastly looking at Armana who taunts a smile at him. He sighs.

"C-Celine Dion music store standees." He says abruptly.
Cody chuckles, "Exsqueeze me? I didn't quite get that."
"Did you say Celine Dion music store standees?" Trent repeats, questioning.
Armana tried holding back her laugh to resist any judgement on Duncan, who hides his face in fear with their words.
"Ooh I love Celine Dion," Lindsay delighted but then sunk with curiosity. "What's a standee?"
Gwen opens her mouth but Trent explains, "Ya know, that card board cut out thing that stands in the music store."

Duncan groans, frustratedly fearful now that everyone was intelligent.

"Don't say it dude!" Duncan tells Trent.
"Kinda like a life size but flat Celine." The boy continued.
"So if we had a cardboard standee right now..?" Courtney leads on.
Duncan covered his ears in annoyance.
"Shut up!" He groaned.
"Armana." He murmured, indicating the girl to tell them to leave him alone.
"Okay okay guys," She chuckles. "What about your fear since you're ones to laugh."

Later that night, Armana walked with Duncan to their cabin. While she talked, she sees Duncan face her and suddenly begin to walk where she stood and cause her to back up. He planned for her to back up against a large boulder while he stood in front of her somewhat as a barrier.

"Duncan, why are you–
"What you said back there, about...being scared of...love..." Duncan says, somewhat of an ashamed expression on his face.

She found herself stuck to only look at Duncan from where she heightened, to his chest. She hears as his voice deepened into some sort of a slight distress.

"I thought about that and..it's sucky to hear." He tells her, his tone a bit quieted while she sees his words were abashed, experiencing inquisitiveness on what was interesting about the walk trail.

Armana felt surprised but a bit impacted by his words.

Armana, 16
>I didn't know Duncan would suddenly feel bad about what I said. Of course with his behavior at times it could've been possible that he'd react to it. But *chuckles* I find it kinda cute he'd tell me that<

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