~ Chapter 9 ~

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"I'm sorry Duncan."

Armana's voice squeaks again but Duncan then kisses her jawline.

"Hey, no it's cool." He whispers into her ear, making her spine tingle and her heart crazy.

He kisses along her ear, dragging his lips along the cartilage.

"But you like me?" He continues.
"...maybe I do...maybe I don't." She sighs then smiles.

Duncan smirks, rolling his eyes. She sees him lick the front row of his teeth and chuckle.

"I'd like one of the odds." He says, conceited.
"That'll be a rare picture." Armana retorts.
"Still means a chance."

They then notice how quiet it was, only to see that everyone had already left.

"Oh, they've already gone." Armana chuckles.
"That's better than actually having an audience...well," Duncan looks at the camera. "Right in front of you."
"Yeah, I wouldn't like to hear people teasing me everywhere I went." The girl sighs, causing Duncan to laugh.
"I can totally agree with you on that one. People wouldn't take me seriously if they actually see how affectionate I am towards you."
Armana crosses her arms, "Oh, so you like to play all 'Mr. Bad Boy'?"
"Well it's better than that just being what people could use against me." Duncan defenses.
The girl nods, "Yeah that's true."

The two walk to where they last saw the amphitheater, seeing their team sitting on the stage. Bridgette and Jojo were talking, noticing then that their friend had seemed to just arrive. They hopped off the stage, smiling broadly.

"Ooh, where were you two?" Jojo teasingly questions.
"Yeah you two only seem ten minutes late from when we actually came here." Bridgette laughs.
Armana rolls her eyes.
"We knew the contest didn't start until like what? Seven hours from now? We just walked along the area and decided to come here to see how everything was going." Armana li–cleverly uses her words.
"Yeah okay Armana." Bridgette doubts, but still wears her playful expression.

The girls walked off then, letting the subject off. For the moment.

"Two little weirdos." Duncan comments after they were considerably out of ear shot.
Armana lightly elbows his arm, "Hey, don't say that, they're my friends."
Duncan shrugs, "Well it's annoying that you'll already know people are gonna make things bigger than they really are."
Armana chuckles, "I know, that's what they're making a joke about. They'll fall out of their seats if there were to be anything further happening between us."
"I would too if I were to be some geeky fan girl finally seeing what's behind closed doors." Duncan smirks at her.

She playfully pushes his face away, responded with small bits of his laughter. They join the team on the stage, seeing they were occupied in practicing their performance for later on.

"So, can you really stand on your hands for twenty minutes?" Geoff asks Bridgette.
"Wanna bet that I can't?" The girl waves a chocolate bar.
Armana's immediately interested, just on her cravings with chocolate.
"How about it's just kind offerings." Armana suggests for her own favor.
"Yeah, no, me and mr. chocolate bar would be peacefully ambitious of journeys inside my stomach. But if there really are any worthy takers..." Bridgette leads on, seeing her fellow camp members' undivided attention.
"You're so on!" Geoff challenges.
"I'd like to take a piece of that action." Harold tests.
"That's virtually impossible." DJ says doubtful of the girl, which signifies his curiosity.
"Empty up." Bridgette smiles.

They all give something of their own on one of the craters they used to sit on. Armana even sees Duncan placing a couple of change.

"You're joining in on this?" She asks him.
He shrugs, "I'd actually like to see the girl try."
"Armana?" Bridgette eyes her friend.
The girl denies, "No thanks, I'm gonna head back to our cabin real quick to grab my sketchbook."

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