~ Chapter 16 ~

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Armana looked in shock, not sure how she should react. She heard herself gasp but immediately covered her mouth before they could hear. She reminded herself that the show wanted drama; they would let anything carry on for the sake of views and to gain more popularity for the show. She pinched the bridge of her nose in thought and decided to intervene before he could keep on with his flirting.

Armana, 16
>Okay, as crazy as it sounds, I didn't want to overreact. Duncan has a weird sense of humor. Plus I'm sure Courtney isn't even into him, so she probably wouldn't have taken him seriously. *angry face (-᷅_-᷄๑)

"Babe!" Duncan's eyes light up at the sight of her.
'Don't babe me.'
"Phew, I was worried if we were stuck like this, we could get caught and wouldn't be able to run away if the other team saw us." Courtney said.
"Yeah I figured the same thing." Armana agreed in a deadpan tone.
"Could you help us out?"
She fixed their antlers so they could stand up properly.
"So what happened anyway?"
"I was walking and Courtney happened to be in my way. So we bumped into each other and somehow our antlers got stuck."
Courtney rolled her eyes, "You're saying it like it's my fault. I was casually wandering the woods just as you were—while trying to look out for my surroundings from any of the Gopher hunters."
"You were doing a good job at that, weren't you prissy princess?"
"What did you just call me?"
"Alright, alright drama queens."Armana interjected. "So what you bumped into each other? Let's be grateful it wasn't another hunter who heard you two bickering."
Courtney sighed, "You're right. It isn't even worth arguing over. Thanks for helping us Armana."
"No problem."

With that, Courtney waved and carried on her way in the direction she was originally going. Armana and Duncan were then left with a silence between them, communicating through body language. They stood close to each other, looking at the other's height difference. While he was above her; her eyes looked up with contempt, suspicion and distrust. His piercing blue gaze lived with adoration, humor and enjoyment.

"I still think she bumped into me on purpose." Duncan held.
"Maybe she did, maybe she didn't. Who knows what would've happened if I left you two alone." Armana rhetorically questioned. She then wondered if it was her Courtney even waved at.
He humored her words, "Hey, what're you trying to imply?"
"Oh nothing, just saying it hypothetically."
"Are you trying to suggest something?"
"No, it's nothing."

Armana decided to drop her wariness about Courtney and Duncan; thinking between their polar interactions with each other it was his way of playing with/teasing Courtney.

"What're you thinking about? You look like you're worried about something." He looked over her, flipping her attention onto him from small flowering herbs.
"No I'm fine, I guess...it's just kinda quiet."
"Yeah I like to sneak off for lowlands full of willows or alders, or cutbanks along meandering streams and rock ledges."
"Pretty premeditative don't you think?"
"Of course, not to add I have incomparable agility and evasion from escaping the cops."
"So you're adapting into this deer life is what you're saying?"
"More like, another challenge that fills me up to my advantages."

She rolled her eyes before Duncan's hand suddenly enveloped her jaw and brought her to his lips. Her eyelids fell low but her eyes maintained on him. He peeked under his lashes, visualizing her face which began to look absentminded and as if clouded with lust. He kissed her deeper to render her body limp and between their moment—feel impracticable of her senses. She closed her eyes as in to succumb to the amorous feeling of the kiss and for it not to hinder the pleasure of Duncan's tongue. Focusing on her visual stimuli of maintaining her eyes on Duncan felt like her brain was doing too much instead of instinctively melting into him like she normally would. Duncan lightly moaned into their kiss from the satisfaction of the salivary exploration of her mouth and being able to feel her soft lips against his. Their session didn't end until they both felt carbon dioxide accumulate in their lungs and their bodies' desire to breathe and exhale.

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