~ Chapter 24 ~

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'What?! Is he being serious?'

Duncan squeezed her hand responsively in reassurance, sensing she stood closer to him.

"You're kidding right?" Duncan questioned Chris for any facetiousness.
"Of course I'm not." Chris protested, finally dropping his smile. "This is Total Drama Island not Total Romantic or Total Dating Island. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with couples being on here, but this isn't a dating game show where we'd have a variety of human matchmaking systems and pick who goes with who for the amusement value than how compatible they actually are. Cause on shows like that, you can expect some pretty adult stuff. Get it? Cause they're adults?"
"Oh come on, McLean. Would you really say this show is for kids? You have this centralized around teens. If anyone knows, especially adults, being a teenager is the most dangerous part of your life; the puberty and sexual hormones. We are literally missing the frontal parts of our brain that correlate decision making and our emotions."
"You don't say. I don't need all that scientific crap to try and evoke my empathy or sympathy. Not that I know the difference between the two."
"Well then why do you act like what we did was such a horrible thing to do? Like it's a crime? If you know it's something teenagers do?"
"In case you haven't noticed; I'm the adult here and this is my show. I need to keep things under my control, in accordance to my rules and the system I have organized."
"Pfft, you and miss CIT are starting to sound much alike right now."
"If that's so, then the girl had good common sense and knew how to be malleble to my will. Off topic but she was a decent contestant. Can't believe you guys voted her off over Sadie. Sadie! *Chuckles* For what?"
"Her ass was kicked to the curb because she acted like she was above everyone else trying to put her CIT experience over them is what. It made her this excessive prim and proper bitch and we weren't going to kiss up to her. Not to mention how she mortified, Armana. You don't just do that kind of thing and think you can get away with it, especially when you mess with my girl."
"What do you mean? It's not like she did it out of ill-intentions/will. It was good for the views, the comedy, the drama. She cared about filling in the genre of the show which is what made her a good composition for the cast. Besides, it's not like Armana isn't already putting herself out there."
Duncan's brows elevated in shock at his words then pressed angry lines into his glabella, "What did you just say?"
"Oh come on, Duncan," Chris expressed, mimicking him from afore. "It's not like I'm saying she has loose morals but *chuckles* doing those type of things on television? Does she have any morals for herself?"

He spoke as if she wasn't there right in front of him, disrespecting her more and treated her like she was a side conversation topic. She noticed Duncan breathed heavily, seeing his chest dramatically enlarge with each inhalation as his shoulders broaden.

Then he lunged for Chris, "Why you—

Armana instantly stepped in front of Duncan before he could hit Chris, seeing how much it bewildered him—probably—of why she would want to defend a conceited asshole like Chris who just insulted her.

"He's just saying that on purpose to provoke you into hitting him. He's gonna use it as an excuse to call your parole officer and take you back to Juvie." Armana disclosed.
After a moment of registering her words, Duncan deeply sighed and decidedly calmed down.
"What would I do without you?" He whispered to her, both of them realizing how difficult it'd be to go on without each other.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. What am I going to do with you two?" Chris shamed.
"Give us another chance," Armana spoke. "We're sorry for behaving irresponsibly. We just got caught up with ourselves."
"Uh yeah, don't forget about how it could've tarnished my career for child pornography. Plus, you signed your contract which meant you agreed to the terms of being recorded and put on television."
"We know....we just....look Chris, do you have any kids?"
"Goodness no! Don't scare me like that. You know how much time I spend with the stylist trying to keep my hair tousled like Keanu Reeves? Sigh I'm pretty sure my hairline just receded at the thought of feeling enslaved wiping a pooping, peeing, ravenous, whining crea—
"Ok! Ok! We get it, you don't have kids."
"Why would you ask me such a horrid question?!"
"To see if that way you would be able to paternally understand kids will come to an age where they'll reach puberty, get hormones, and realize coming of age means to embrace the frankness of the human body and sexuality."
"Good thing that doesn't pertain to me then. I don't really care much for kids or how much you two like each other anyway. You're teens. Teens are promiscuous. Known for transience in their relationships. Once the summer's ended, you'll both go back to your normal lives and forget about each other."
Armana and Duncan looked in each other's eyes and deflated over his words.
"Why not just eliminate us both then? We take responsibility for our actions and like you mojo; we'll never, ever, ever come back to the island again. Let alone come back on the show." Armana proposed.
"No, cause that would inhibit procession on the story. The two of you are what help provide valuable insights and analytics for how many people are consuming content. It's what decides the story to be profitable and worth keeping on people's schedules."
"Did you say 'story'?" Duncan asked.
"Yeah you said 'inhibit procession on the story'. You said story twice actually." Armana quoted him.
"Huh? No, the tv show. We're on a tv show. Anyways, if at least one of you were on here, it would still help push more content. More views means more for the plot and money. Enough stalling. Duncan, by the morning I'll have Chef or an intern take you back home on the Boat of Losers."
"No! Chris please this isn't—
"Ah! This is non-negotiable. Consider this a life valuable lesson—

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