~ Chapter 10 ~

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"Do you think you can do it?"

Armana felt it would be the least to do for her team, they were already sucking so what worst could she do.

"Okay, fine." She gives in.

She heard as her teammates silently cheered her on when she had walked in place of Geoff onto the stage. Her heart skipped a beat hearing people muttering in the audience, but she grabbed a chair and simply sat down with the book opened to a freshly new page.

"Chris," Armana calls upon the male. "I'll need you as my reference."

Chris walks on stage, his broad smile causing Armana to shudder.

"Ooh, Are you gonna draw me?" Chris asks.
"Yes, I am. Just make a simple pose." Armana says.
She suddenly sees him lay out on the ground.
"Draw me like one of your French girls." Chris purrs.
This evokes a couple of laughs while Armana's eyes blurts with terror.
"No, no, no," She says abruptly. "Just act how you usually do in front of a camera."

She sighs of relief when he fixes his pose more casually, propping his hand against his cheek.

Armana, 16
>I can't tell you how awkward this is. How creepy I find Chris and I had to draw him for about an hour. I mean, sure I didn't have to draw him, but I felt since he was partially the critic on this, maybe appreciation would debate the win or lose on the subject.<

She sighs and stretches.

"Okay, I'm finished." Armana announces, proudly holding up her drawing.
"Wow, why don't you look at that," Chris exclaims. "Seriously, it's like she took a picture."
He looks towards the camera.
"What do ya say chef?"

Armana awkwardly waits through the moment of silence until she hears a metallic ringing.

"Wow, ten points voted for Armana! This means, although they were head in the league, the Screaming Gophers have been trampled by the Killer Bass!"

Armana hadn't realized how strong she was smiling by the time of Chris's announcement. She felt other people running into her, but she held her ground and examples her pleasure with a continuous grin.

"Princess, that was awesome." Duncan praises, pulling the girl into him with his arm cupping her shoulder.
She chuckles at the same time straightening herself from his embrace.
"Thanks, it was really nothing." Armana shyly accepts.
"Yeah it was, you just won us the entire contest." Bridgette says.

Armana chuckles, feeling happy as her team continued on with their night, giving slight pats on her back if they were to walk by. Duncan still stuck to her side, their pace now steadied along the trail.

"So," He starts. "I'm glad that's over."
"Why?" Armana asks.
Duncan shrugs, "A subject gets boring after a while–of course only certain ones."
Armana rolls her eyes.
"Well I'm glad it's over too, then it can be a bit more interesting to see what the next challenge will be."

Then the skids of rocks were heard in the silence between them. Catching the awkwardness, they both had the same urge to look at the other person but end up simultaneously looking at each other. Armana shyly looks away, of course Duncan still looking towards her direction.

"Hey." Duncan calls for her attention.
"Hm?" She hums, still looking at the illuminant moonlight.
Duncan chuckles, "How're you feeling about this camp so far?"
She turns her head.
"It's pretty cool for the start of it. Never went camping but other than that, I feel like Chris is just laughing at us because he knows we're embarrassing ourselves." Armana responds.
"People?" He asks.
"Well...there's mainly you, Bridgette and Jojo since you guys are the main people I talk to. Or else everyone else i'm pretty easy with. Except well...Heather...is definitely some unique snowflake."

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