Wish You Were Sober ༆

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Requested: fandom_freek13

Warnings: alcohol addiction and bad language

This party's shit, wish we could dip
Go anywhere but here
Don't take a hit, don't kiss my lips
And please don't drink more beer

This is complete bullshit. Eddie and another one of these stupid parties. I'm only here as his plus one because he needs some arm candy. To make matters so much worse than they need to be Eddie is out of his mind drunk, just how every single one of these fucking parties goes. "C'mon sweet-face k-iss me. I want... you so fucking bad." He slurred out very slowly. "No Eddie you need to stop drinking for crying out loud!" I yelled in response.

I'ma crawl outta the window now
'Cause I don't like anyone around
Kinda hope you're followin' me out
But this is definitely not my crowd

All I want. No. All I need is to get the fuck out of here because I feel like I'm suffocating with all these strangers everywhere. "Eddie please can we go home or even just for a walk around the block. I hate being around all these whores, jocks and junkies." I practically cried at him.

Nineteen, but you act twenty-five now
Knees weak, but you talk pretty fly, wow
Ripped jeans and a cup that you just downed
Take me where the music ain't too loud
Trade drinks, but you don't even know her
Save me 'til the party is over
Kiss me in the seat of your Rover
Real sweet, but I wish you were sober

As I turn around I see Eddie put yet another empty beer can down while trying to smooth talk some girl. Now I was pissed beyond belief. I grab the sleeve of his jacket and pull him away from this death trap party. I don't say a word I just simply take his van keys and put him in the passenger seat. He tries to kiss me and feel me up but I turned him down every single time. He just turns to look out of the window and put on a sad puppy face.

I wish you were sober
(Wish you were so, wish you were so, wish you were sober)
I wish you were sober

I just drive to my place and get Eddie in bed, still refusing to talk to him.

Trip down the road, walking you home
You kiss me at your door
Pullin' me close, beg me, "Stay over"
But I'm over this roller-coaster

This has become my fucking routine. Get dragged to a shitty party, take a blackout drunk Eddie home, almost cry myself to sleep, get on with they day and back to a party. So, once again I get Eddie in bed but this time he won't let go of my arm. "Baby... Baby ple-please stay. I need you." He mumbled while tightening his grip on my arm but not enough for it to leave a mark.

I'ma crawl outta the window now
Getting good at saying, "Gotta bounce"
Honestly, you always let me down
And I know we're not just hangin' out

I pry his hand off of me and crouch down to his level. "I have to go Eddie, I can't stay here and pretend to be okay with you and your drinking. I want to be able to love you, the sober you but your addiction to alcohol is pushing me away and I just cannot bare it." I'm now sobbing and I think in that moment Eddie started thinking a bit straight. "Y/n I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. Please stay with me. I'll sober up for you and only for you y/n." I don't know what to believe so I mutter a small goodbye and told him I'll be back tomorrow.

Nineteen, but you act twenty-five now
Knees weak, but you talk pretty fly, wow
Ripped jeans and a cup that you just downed
Take me where the music ain't too loud
Trade drinks, but you don't even know her
Save me 'til the party is over
Kiss me in the seat of your Rover
Real sweet, but I wish you were sober

Well who would've guessed it. I'm back at another party with Eddie throwing back drinks and flirting with everyone who even looked at him. I'm not doing this to myself again. I walked out alone this time and I went to Eddie's trailer. I decided to leave him a note.

Dear Eddie,

I can't do this anymore. You aren't the Eddie Munson I fell for. You are just a drunk who chose alcohol over his lover, well I guess the booze won. Don't contact me or talk to me if you see me. All I've wanted since the partying begun was for you to be sober. I wish you were sober.

I left the note on his guitar so he would definitely see it and I left.

I wish you were sober
(Wish you were so, wish you were so, wish you were sober)
I wish you were sober

I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish you were sober
I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish
Oh, I wish you were sober

I couldn't sleep that night, I just wanted Eddie to wrap his arms around me and to kiss my temples like he always used to and for him to just tell me he loves me. All I could think was wanting him to be sober.

Nineteen, but you act twenty-five now
Knees weak, but you talk pretty fly, wow
Ripped jeans and a cup that you just downed
Take me where the music ain't too loud
Trade drinks, but you don't even know her
Save me 'til the party is over
Kiss me in the seat of your Rover
Real sweet, but I wish you were sober

When I got to school I managed to avoid Eddie for the most part but then lunch came. I sat alone in the cafeteria, I was usually sat with Eddie and his friends but I couldn't do that. My moping was disturbed when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hey. Please hear me out?" Eddie pleaded. "No Eddie because I know how this will end. You'll promise me you can get sober. You'll probably promise me the world but it won't happen. You will just go back to the life you know now." I didn't realize I was crying until Eddie lifted his hand to wipe away my stray tears. "No no y/n, this time it's real. I know what I could lose if I don't get sober, I could lose the brightest, prettiest and most loving soul on this planet... I need you." Now he was the one that was crying. I hugged him and then whispered to him "until I see it happen, you've already lost me." I let go and walk out of the cafeteria and yet Eddie didn't tail along.

• I feel like this is important to say, alcohol addiction is as serious as any other addition so if you are struggling please try to seek out help. It will be incredibly difficult but know that there is always someone who will believe in you!! I know I will 🖤•

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