Realistically Dating Eddie ☮︎/༆/❀

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Requested: no

Warnings: Bad language, drug use, yelling, S&M, bondage and degrading.

I usually make my stories a little unrealistic because they are supposed to make people feel comfortable here. I just wanted to make a little bit of a realistic one so if you don't like the idea of that I would suggest not reading it 🖤

Bold- Eddie
Normal-y/n and anyone else

I was sat crying in my car outside Eddie's trailer. Why? Well here's how it went...

"I told you not to touch it y/n!"

"I'm sorry okay?! It was a complete accident!"

"It takes me ages to make sure my hair is perfect! You fucked it up!"

"Just let it drop Eddie!"

"If you really can't see why that's a problem then get the fuck out!"

"Fine! You're so pathetic sometimes!"

With that being said I walked out. Hot tears streamed down my face... Was his hair really more important than me? Who am I kidding?... Of course it's more important than me he's a wannabe rockstar!

I sat in my car and slammed my hands on the steering wheel a few times while yelling curses, to get some stress out. I couldn't drive like this! With blurred vision and anger boiling up in me.

I sat on my bed angry but also feeling guilty... All this over her touching my hair? Now that I think about it... She was just stretching and her finger locked in my hair. Shit.

I get up and walk outside, she was still here, she was sat crying in her car. I walk over and tap my knuckle to the window a few times gaining her attention.

"Fuck off Munson."

"C'mon baby. Please?"

I sigh and roll my window down.

"What? Did I also get fingerprints on your 'sweetheart' again?!"

"Come back inside please."


"Just get inside y/n."

I sigh and roll my window back up then get out of the car. Before I knew it I'm getting thrown over his shoulder with a slap to the ass.


He takes me to his bedroom and throws me on the bed then kisses me hard. When he pulls away he just stares at me.

"This doesn't make me forgive you."

"Will this?"

He pulls out a bag of weed and smiles at me.

"No. That's not strong enough for the shit you put me through."


I turn away from her and rummage through my draws then I find it. A small bag of coke and a straw.

"What about this?"

I dangle the bag infront of her with a big goofy smile and she laughs while rolling her eyes.

"I guess..."

I sit up and Eddie makes two lines of coke on his dresser.

"Ladies first."

"Go ahead then."


We both laugh and I do one of the lines then hand her the straw. She does the other and we just lie next to eachother until the drugs kick in.

"Put some fucking Maiden on man."

"Alright sexy."

I tap her thigh as I get up and blast some Iron maiden on my cassette player.

I get up and start whipping my hair around while swaying my hips to the music. Eddie pulls my ass into him. He grinds against me and bangs his head. I turn in his grip and start to kiss him.

He pushes me harshly against his bed and grabs his handcuffs off the hook on the wall.

"Using those again? They a favourite of yours?"

"You should know the answer to that."

He clips my wrist to the bed with the handcuffs and pulls my panties off. He's impatient so he just pulls his pants down and his underwear then looks at me.

"Are you ready?"


He then sticks two fingers into me and thrusts them for a few seconds. He pulls them out and sucks on them.

"You're so wet."

He teases my folds with his cock then lined himself up.

"I know you own condoms Eddie."

"I can't find them anywhere. I'll pull out don't worry."

He slowly pushes into me and I moan at the contact. My hands are still handcuffed to the bed so I can't touch him and my god it was torture.

I tried to pull him closer with my legs so I'd have that bit of physical touch. Eddie looked at me with mock-anger and tutted. He slapped the side of my thigh causing me to gasp, he then squeezed my thighs harshly and I hissed.

"No touching. Got it?"

I huffed and looked away from him which made him mad. He gripped my jaw and turned my head so I'd look at him.

"I said. Got it? Do you understand?"


"What do you understand?"

"No touching."

"See? You can be a good little slut sometimes."

I didn't say anything and Eddie started thrusting fast and rough causing me to moan louder.

Eddie slaps my ass so hard that it causes a tingling feeling afterwards, I knew my ass would be very red afterwards.

"Eddie! I'm so close!"

"Go ahead, cum like the whore you are."

The degrading is what threw me over the edge and I let go moaning his name a few times.

Eddie pulls out and jerks himself off and he cums on my lower stomach. We stay there panting for a few moments. Eddie gets the keys for his handcuffs and releases me. I got up and grabbed some tissue to clean my stomach.

I flopped back onto his bed and held him closely. I rubbed my wrists which had two red rings on them. I was sore in a few places but I didn't mind it.

"I love you Eds."

"I love you too. I know my hair is important but you're more important."

"If I'm more important can I touch your guitar?"

"No... Baby steps."

"We've been together for over two years."

"Well I've had that guitar for longer so I need to know you're trusted with her."

I laugh lightly and roll my eyes. I cuddle up to Eddie and we lay there for a while talking about music and D&D.

He was far from perfect but I felt like I needed him.

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