Dares With Benefits ❀

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Warnings: bad language, smut, degrading, choking, edging, unprotected sex and streaking

I would definitely describe my relationship with Eddie as strange. You see, we aren't dating instead we are friends with benefits but we don't call it that. We call it 'dares with benefits' and this is how it goes...

One of us gives the other a dare, if one does the dare they get to be in control but if not the other gets to be in control. This time I knew I was losing.

"Oh y/n. I have the best dare for you." Eddie says with a playful tone in his voice. "Really? Bring it on, Munson." I hate losing because I like the power of being in charge and doing whatever I want with Eddie, with consent of course. "You, completely naked, running from my trailer to the beginning of the woods and back." That's when I knew Eddie wasn't holding back anymore. "Eddie one of your neighbours is having a small party and not to mention Max lives around here too!" I whined, Eddie came right up to me with his chest just centimetres from mine. He brings his finger up and hooks it under my chin to make me look at him. "What's wrong sweets? Can't do it?" He gives me the most shit-eating grin because he knows he's winning. I look through the curtains to see almost all of the neighbours outside. "No, I'm sorry, I can't do that." I said.

"Final decision?"


"Yes, Eddie, that's it."

He grips my sides and squeezes them, there will definitely be some bruising decorating my skin tomorrow. He presses his lips so hard against mine in a sloppy and lust filled kiss. He brings his right hand into my hair to tug on it, this gave him more access to my neck where he left his marks. It hurt but it felt so good too. He pushed me right up against his bedroom door and I could feel his hard-on against my stomach.

Somehow, we managed to get our clothes off without tripping or falling. He lightly pushed me back onto his bed and got on top of me. "You are so fucking pretty. I'm so glad you were too much of a pussy to show anyone else what is mine... Speaking of pussy.." he trailed off as he slowly kissed his way down my body until he stopped between my thighs. I could feel his warm breath where it's more sensitive. "Eddie please do something. I want to feel you." I said gripping his bedsheets so hard it made my hands go numb. Without another word Eddie started licking, sucking and occasionally biting at my clit. It was such a sinister yet peaceful feeling, like if a breeze of air were to blow dandelion seeds into a campfire. It was so soft and gentle yet so rough and hot. "Fuck Eddie... I'm s-so close." I gritted out almost as if my jaw were glued shut but when he started adding his fingers to the mix my jaw released, letting out a sigh of relief.

Just as cloud 9 was in my reach, he stopped and just smirked at me. "You don't get to cum, you lost the dare. I get to make all the choices now darling." He spoke in such a demanding tone. He was adamant he was getting what he desired. "I'm going to put it in now okay?" This was the only time he was gentle, yes we've had sex many times before but he still warned me of when he was going to start fucking me. "Okay" I just about managed to get out.

He slowly entered me and I gently moaned while he let out a heavy breath. He waited a few seconds but then started thrusting his hips to mine. In a matter of seconds the only noises in the room were skin slapping, moans and the bed squeaking. I could feel every inch and every ridge of him inside me. "Look at me baby, fucking look at me." He said while holding onto my neck lightly squeezing, it restricted some air but I could still breathe. "Keep going, please, please don't stop." I pleaded with him. "You don't have to beg y/n, I'm gonna make you feel so good that I ruin you for anyone who isn't me." He said never once breaking his rhythm of short and powerful thrusts.

After a few more minutes I was on the edge of heaven again. "I'm close Eddie. So. Fucking. Close." I'm pretty sure he couldn't make out completely what I was saying. "Do it. Let go for me." As he said that I let all the relief and peace take over my mind and my orgasm triggered his too.

He held me closer than what I thought possible afterwards. We stayed in our own bubble of bliss. I threaded my fingers through his hair and he ran his hands up and down my shoulder. Who knew dares could be so fun.

•No, I did not have fun writing this 🖤•

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