Years In Love ☮︎

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Requested: no

Warnings: bad language a little jealousy

(I'm a sucker for a childhood friend story haha)

Bold- Eddie
Normal- y/n (and anyone else)

If I have to sit here and watch Steve Harrington flirt with my girl any longer I might punch him... But I can't... Because she's not my girl, we are just friends.

I've known y/n since we were four, my uncle is friends with her dad. At first she wanted nothing to do with me because I was weird, now we are both known as freaks.

Steve wouldn't of batted an eye at her in the past but now we are friends with Henderson he's been talking to her more and I hated it.

This was stupid. "Steve, it's not going to work! He doesn't like me like that." I whisper yelled to Steve. "Yes he does... I have an idea but you might hate it..." He said and I gave him a 'oh no what's your plan' look. "Can I kiss you?" He asks making me go wide eyed.

I glanced at Eddie who was staring at me. I really have loved Eddie since we were thirteen , I first felt it when he stuck up for me in the cafeteria. One of the popular guys threw pudding at me and it went everywhere. Eddie picked up two more pots and dumped them all over the guy. I ran off embarrassed but Eddie followed me. He tried his best to get the pudding off with wet tissue and that's when I knew I loved him more than a friend.

"Sure, just make it quick please." I said, Steve then put his hands on either side of my face and leaned in slowly. I closed my eyes waiting but I felt Steve being pulled off me. I looked and saw him stumbling back and Eddie was the one who caused it. "Eddie wha-" I said but he pulled me away from the group and into the edge of the woods.

"What does he have that I don't?"


"You heard me. I know everything about you and would do everything for you and you chose Harrington?"

"I thought you only liked me as a friend."

"Really y/n? You catch me staring at you all the time, I let you touch my guitar which I never let anyone do, I take you to my favourite places and I always find a way to touch you somehow."

"I love you Eddie... I have since the pudding incident. I never thought you'd like me back because the girls I've seen you look at are the exact opposite of me."

"That was the point! I tried to find people who weren't you to try and stop myself from ruining our friendship... I love you too, I love you more than anything!"

"Even your guitar?"

"Maybe not anything but I love you so much."

We both laughed together and I just looked up into his eyes.



"Kiss me."

Those two words were exactly what I wanted to hear. I did exactly what she wanted me to do, I grabbed her hips and pulled her flush into me. I took my time leaning in then our lips finally met and an explosion of happiness, relief and love took over my body. I moved my lips slowly against her to savour every second of our first kiss.

This was incredible, never did I think I'd be standing here with my lips pressed to the boy I've loved since we were very young. I've spent years in love with him and now I know he loves me back. I finally had to pull away to take a breath.

"This won't change anything between us right?"

"Do you not want to be with me?"

"Yes I do but if this ends-"

"It won't end. I want to have you for the rest of my life y/n."

"I really do love you Eddie."

"I love you more."

"Not possible."

I kiss him once again but I heard someone shouting "you guys better not be having sex!" The voice belonged to Steve.

"We will if you carry on shouting at us."

"Gross man." Steve replied.

We kissed one more time quickly before heading back to everyone else with our fingers entwined.

I have loved Eddie for years and I'll love him for years longer.

•sorry this is short my love's 🖤•

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