Running Away ☮︎/❀

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Requested: rylee202445. (hoping I tagged the right account haha)

Warnings: bad language, unprotected sex, begging, edging and degrading

Bold- Eddie
Normal- y/n

I stayed with Eddie, Jason was after him and he was way too traumatized from Chrissy's death. He wouldn't be able to cope with more fear. Then I had an idea, a stupid but smart idea. "Eddie... Let's leave, like we could go somewhere far... Somewhere safe?" My voice echoed back to me in the boat house, I realised I sounded crazy. "Y/n, we can't. What about everyone else?" He quizzed. "Well it won't be forever love, just until this is over." I tried pushing my luck a little with the pet name. "Okay... Okay yeah let's do it." He beamed.

We got in my car since Eddie is wanted and his van is awfully broke. "You sure you want to do this? There's no backing out halfway there." I asked seriously. "Yeah I'm sure... Where exactly are we going?" He questioned I honestly didn't know but now I have an idea. "California" I blatantly replied to which he looked at me wide eyed. "Are you serious?! We can't go there." He let out a mused sigh. "Yes we can... I know people there, they'll help us don't worry." I gave a small smile.

So here we are, down a long and what seemed like neverending highway. Eddie had put on some 'Dio' and he was headbanging and screeching out the lyrics. He was having fun until he yelled "wait!" I looked at him like a mad man. "Eddie I told you no turning back." He looked defeated "my guitar..." He said and looked at me with big puppy eyes. "I told you it isn't forever... You can use mine for the time being if you'd like?" I hated people touching my guitar but I wouldn't mind if it were Eddie. "Really?" He looked almost shocked "yes really."

We were pretty much almost there but we needed to stop for gas. We pulled up to a gas station and I filled my car up. "Hey y/n... Can we stay in that motel around the corner for the night? I'm tired and I'm sure you are too." I contemplated it but then decided that would be a good idea. "Sure let's do that." I beamed.

We were checking in and the lady at the desk asked "would you like 2 beds or 1 bed?" I went to answer but before I could Eddie spoke up "1 bed please." He turned and winked at me. We were given our keys and were making our way to our room. "Eddie what the hell?! Why did you ask for the one bed?!" I would say I was angry but that would be lying, truth is, I was more nervous than anything. It wasn't like I was in love with Eddie but he is gorgeous and so very sweet, it would be impossible not to give in to his every wish. "Well... It's cheaper this way. I saved you a few bucks." He avoided looking at me. "Really Munson? Is that it or did you just want me in bed with you?" I smirked and he turned a little red. Does Eddie like me? Surely not.

We settled into our room, it wasn't a five star but it was one of the cleanest motels I've seen. Since it was pretty late we just decided on going to sleep. However, there was one problem... "Hey Eddie, we need these clothes for tomorrow so what are we going to sleep in?" I quizzed. "We could sleep naked?" He smirked, that sly bitch. I was the one to play the blushing card so I'm not giving in. "Okay sure. Turn around." He looked like he'd seen a ghost but turned away anyways. I stripped down fully and climbed under the covers. "Okay I'm done." He turns and I smile at him. I close my eyes and wait for Eddie to get in. He's done after about 30 seconds tops "Okay so I'll put one of my pillows here in the middle and you can't pass it, got it?" I sternly say "yes ma'am" he cheekily responds.

It had been at least an hour and I couldn't sleep. "Eddie are you asleep?" I whisper gently to which I got a just as quiet response. "Yes sugar, I'm definitely dreaming if your here." I'm glad it was dark because I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. I turned to face him only to be met with his nose touching mine, I moved my head back a tad. "You're almost over my pillow barrier."

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