The Bucket List- Part One ☮︎

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Requested: no

Warnings: bad language

Bold- Eddie
Normal- y/n and anyone else

My Bucket list:
- Own every black Sabbath album ✓
- Climb to the top of a tall mountain ✓
- Go to France
- Walk a marathon ✓
- Learn to play another instrument
- Run with horses✓
- Fly a small plane
- Go to five metal concerts✓
- F̶a̶l̶l̶ i̶n̶ l̶o̶v̶e̶

I have three more to go! I made the bucket list only a year ago. I'm moving with my dad to a new town called Hawkins in Indiana. I'm originally from Harlech in Wales, maybe there will be new opportunities to complete the list while I'm here!

(I'm Welsh but I'm not from Harlech haha. Just thought I'd bring some attention to Wales 🖤)

My dad lost his job so we were moving into a trailer. I've never been big on wanting expensive stuff other than my guitar, I insisted on getting a second hand one but my dad got me a new one.

We started unpacking our boxes from the rented moving truck that we got from near the airport. There was one box that was way too heavy for me.

"Dad! Could you come and help me with this?!" I yelled but got no response.

"Here let me help you with that."

I turn to see a very attractive guy. You see, I have a very specific type. My celebrity crushes are Nikki Sixx, Sami Yaffa and Eddie Van Halen... What do they all have in common? They are rockstars with long dark hair and a stand out style.

"Oh thank you so much."

"Woah you have an accent!"

"Yes I suppose I do."

"I like it. A pretty accent suits a pretty face."

"Oh... Why thank you."

Stop blushing y/n!

"Do you have a pretty name to add to it as well?"

"Y/n y/l/n. You are?"

"Eddie Munson. I live in the trailer right next to yours."

He points to his trailer and I just nod.

"Are you going to Hawkins High?"

"Yeah because I move houses so much I'm always behind on school. I've been held back a year..."

"Don't be embarrassed by that. I've been held back two years."

She smiled at me and she had such a pretty smile. Fuck Eddie! Don't start crushing on her she literally just got here.

He was just staring at me with a smile. It looked like he'd zoned out a bit. I wave my hand infront of his face.

"Hey Eddie? You in there?"

"Oh shit... Sorry."

"Its alright." I laughed.

Eddie helped with the box and had to leave for school, he was probably going to be late because of me.

The next day I put on some leather shorts, a cropped 'Alice in Chains' t-shirt, some fishnet tights, Doc Martens and a leather jacket. I never usually wear makeup but today was my first day so I had to make an impression. I put on some red lipstick, mascara and red eyeshadow to match. My hair was slightly teased... I mean I look alright... I think.

I say goodbye to my dad, since our car hasn't gotten here yet from transport I had to walk. I wasn't too sure where the school was or how long I'd be walking for. I then heard a vehicle pull up next to me making me a little worried, that was until I heard a new but familiar voice.

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