The Bucket List-Part Two ☮︎

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Warnings: bad language

The next day I took y/n to school and we had no classes together. This meant that I can ask Gareth that favour about her.

"Hey man. Could I ask you a huge favour?"

"Yeah dude of course. What do you need?" He replied.

"Y/n told me she wants to learn a new instrument, she plays guitar, I was wondering if you'd teach her to play drums?" I was hopeful because Gareth is one of my best friends and has been a loyal Hellfire member for years.

"Yeah sure... Why are you asking me instead of her?" He asked.

"It's a surprise."

"You like her." He said with a smug smirk.

"I do not."

"Mhm but sure I'll teach her." He said.

"Thanks dude."

We carried on talking through the lesson. Who likes maths anyways?

I had just finished my first half of the day meaning it was lunch time. I was walking with Paul while talking about D&D. I've never played but it did sound interesting. When we got to the table Eddie grabbed my hand and sat me in the seat next to him, I blushed but looked away to try and hide it.

"I have a suprise for you after school."

"A suprise? For me?" I asked a little dumbfounded.

"Yeah. You'll love it."

He winked at me and we just talked with the table about different events they have going on in their lives.

It was the end of the day and I was super excited... What could Eddie have planned for me? Why would he have a suprise for me when he hardly knows me?

I stopped my questioning when someone made me jump out of my skin.

"Eddie! You scared the shit out of me!"

He look back at my bottom area then laughed and looked at me.

"Nope you're all good! No shit there."

He winked at me and I laughed. We then got into his van but we turned on a different road to the one we usually go on.

"Eddie... Where are you taking me?"

"You'll see. I know you'll love it."

We pulled up to a house. The garage door was open and I saw Gareth. I looked at Eddie slightly confused and he just smiled at me as Gareth came over.

"You want to learn to play another instrument right?"

"Yes I have... Why are you asking?" I replied.

"Gareth here plays drums. He agreed to teach you how to play when I asked him."

She smiled at me and threw her arms around my neck which I wasn't expecting. I look at Gareth with wide eyes and he just smirks.

We go into the Garage and Gareth tells me the name of everything on the drum kit.

After a couple of hours I was getting the hang of beat speeds. I smiled excitedly at Gareth when I finally got something right.

She's beautiful. Her smile was the best thing ever, showing her teeth and her scrunched nose.

"You could come over once a week for an hour if you'd like? Maybe on Fridays?" Gareth asks me.

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