You Have Powers?! ☮︎/༆

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Requested: No

Warnings: bad language, bullying, violence and spitting (trust me this is needed)

(y/n is based off Jayme from TUA 🖤)

Bold- Eddie
Normal- y/n and anyone else

I'm y/n just your weird teenager... Why weird? Well I have a strange gift. I can shoot hallucinogenic spit from my throat, gross right?

Nobody knows of course except my parents. Nobody knows where it came from but it can be useful sometimes. Being a young girl walking alone at night isn't so fun.

My parents had me trained to fight perfectly just in case someone were to find out and use my powers for bad deeds. So it's hard to pretend I'm a normal teen.

Well now I've moved with my parents to a town called Hawkins and I'll be starting school today. I wore some black skinny jeans with a black crop top and a red jacket. I put on my combat boots and left with my dad in the car.

We were finally at the school parking lot I got out and ran to hug my dad.

"I'll see you later dad. Love you." I said.

"I love too y/n now go on and have fun." He replied a little teary. Then he got in the car and drove off. I walked in and people gave me weird stares, I then realise that maybe I shouldn't of wore dark clothes that make me look like I'm ready for a funeral.

As I look around and see people side-eying me and laughing at me or just glaring, I see two people smiling at me. One was a young curly haired boy and the other... Wow. He had long, dark hair and incredible dark eyes. His smile was so pretty. I was so lost in his eyes that I accidentally walked into a girl.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I frantically apologize.

"No it's alri-" she started but was cut off by the guy next to her.

"Watch where you're going freak." He said and everyone around him laughed at what I assume was the name he called me. I walked off angry and sad, it was my first day in school and it's gone to shit.

I'm not okay with that, Jason and his sheep laughing at someone they know nothing about. I knew how it felt to be a freak to them so I done something I've never done before... I stood up to Jason.

(This conversation is between just Eddie and Jason.)

"Hey Jason... What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Who do you think you're talking to freak?"

"I'm talking to you ass-face. She accidentally bumped into Chrissy and Chrissy was okay with it. Stop letting your ego act for you."

"Fuck you, you cult leader."

I don't know what came over me but I punched Jason in the jaw sending blood and spit out of his mouth. He fell to the floor but got right back up. He punched me harder and a few of his jocks joined in to kick me. The fight was broken off when Chrissy got a few teachers. Everyone just walked off like nothing happened and the teachers didn't care, they never do.

I was sat alone in the corner of cafeteria. I wouldn't dare look at anyone and I picked at my food feeling too nervous to eat. Then someone sat across from me, I was worried in case it was Jason or a bitchy cheerleader but I heard a voice.

"Hey, you're new here. I'm Max." She said.

I look up and smile slightly at her. "I'm y/n... Nice to meet you."

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