Hot Air Balloon ☮︎

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Warnings: bad language

This is me making up for the last one 🖤

Normal-y/n and anyone else

"I just think they're so fascinating Eds!"

"Yeah I know, you talk about them non stop... Planes do the same thing. What makes hot air balloons so special?"

"I've loved them since I was a kid... My parents were the panicking type of parents. I never got to do anything exciting. Planes are about getting somewhere, a way to travel but hot air balloons... They are about the view and you can hear the wind and birds... Just forget it. I'm ranting and you don't understand what I mean."

"No it's not like that."

"Just forget it Eddie."


"Let's just get ready for graduation. Are you really going to do all that you said at lunch that one time?"

"Hell yeah I am. Those teachers were assholes for holding me back."

"Let's go get ready then!"

We were at my place, it was just me and Eddie upstairs getting ready. We are best friends so we were comfortable getting changed in the same room. I done my makeup and Eddie made his hair look perfect even under the graduation hat. We both had our dark-green gowns on and under them some fancy clothes, I had to convince Eddie to wear something fancy.

"Let's go sweetheart."

We went downstairs where my parents and Wayne, Eddie's uncle, were. They had cameras and got Eddie and I to stand together.

We went outside and got in the hired car my parents got especially for today.

Well Eddie done exactly what he said he'd do. He snatched that diploma and flipped the principal the bird making everyone gasp, except for me, I just laughed. He came back and sat next to me.

"Y/n y/l/n" the principal called. I walked up and took my diploma then shook my teachers hands.

"Woo! Go y/n!"

I blushed and sat back down next to Eddie.

Finally it was over and we were all walking outside. As people walked out of the doors they were gasping and muttering, me being curious, I went to look and sitting there was a huge hot air balloon. The man operating it walked up to me.

"Miss y/l/n. I believe we have some sights to see." He said.

I had a look of shock not knowing what to do.

"C'mon sweetheart. You've been waiting for this day. I've been nervous planning it so please react."

"You done this?!"

"Of course... I'd do anything for you."

"Now remember what I said. The instructions are in there just in case you forget." The man said to Eddie.

"Yes sir, thank you so much."

The man just nodded and I turned to y/n. I gave her a cheeky smirk and scooped her up bridal style making her squirm and squeal.

I put her inside the huge basket and climbed in after her.

I remembered how to control it because I wanted this to go perfect for my love... Well she doesn't know she's my love... Not yet.

We were finally up in the sky and y/n was watching intently at everything she could see. She took a deep breath in and smiled.

"You're so beautiful."

She blushed at my comment and I lightly grabbed her hips and turned her to face me.

"I thought doing this would be the perfect time to tell you something."

"What do you want to tell me?"

"Y/n... I'm hopelessly in love with you. I fell head over heels for you since I don't know when. School was an excuse to see you everyday but now we've graduated, everyone will go on to have their own lives and forget half the people they went to school with. I don't want that to happen with us because I have imagined my entire future with you being the biggest part of it."

"Eddie... I don't know what to say."

I started tearing up.

"That's one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. I didn't even think of a future without you in it... You are in every single vision of them. Eddie, I love you too."

"Can I please kiss you?"

"Of course."

I leaned in and captured her lips. I've been waiting forever for this kiss and it was magic.

Sparks flew. I swear I felt them and saw them. I knew this was the beginning of a journey to a great future, anything is great when you have Eddie Munson to share it with.

I turned her back to face the view of Hawkins and mountains.

"Now enjoy this, you've dreamed of this."

"I've dreamed of you too... This is perfect Eddie. Thank you my love."

"No thank you for being amazing."

I kissed her one last time before enjoying the hot air balloon ride with her.

•Can I please be forgiven now? 🖤•

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