Every Step Of The Way ༆/☮︎

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Requested: steveshusband66

Warnings: homophobia, self-struggle, a few suggestive comments, bad language

This is my first time writing a male y/n so I hope I don't disappoint any guys reading this 🖤

I'm not willing to write slurs so I'll just put (slur) so you know what it means 🖤

Bold- Eddie
Normal- y/n and anyone else

"Y/n, I really knew there was something up with you but I didn't think you'd be a (slur)!" One Jock yells.

"Yeah... You shouldn't be on the team! You've probably been perving on all of us!" Another yells while fake gagging and everyone around laughed.

I wanted to tell them I had a boyfriend. I wanted to tell them I'd never look at their ugly egotistical asses in that way... But I couldn't.

I could never out Eddie like that and I could never say anything in case they were to beat me up. So I done the only thing I could do, I left.

I ran outside and through the woods to mine and Eddie's meeting spot. I wanted to cry it out a little but he was already there. I was so stressed I had to take it out on something so I let out a frustrated grunt and punched a tree a few times.

"Woah babe. What's wrong?! Stop punching the tree your hurting yourself."

Eddie grabbed my hands and saw they were bloodied. He pulled me over to the bench and sat me down, he was starting to wipe my hands with the bandana he had in his pocket.

"What's wrong my love?"

"... They found the Polaroid of me and you kissing. You could only see your lips and chin, don't worry your still closeted."

"Y/n. I'm so sorry that happened. What did you say?"

"I said you were a nameless hookup."

"No not about that. What did you say to them about your sexuality?"

"I didn't have to say much... They already assumed I was a 'raging (slur)' and I'm pretty sure I'm off the team."

Eddie hugged me then kissed me. He held my head in my hands.

"You'll always have a place with me and the hellfire club."

"Do they know about us?"

"No my love. They do know I'm gay though."

"If the school see us together they'll know that your gay and you already have enough trouble with them. It's not safe for you."

"Well it's not safe for you either. We'll be doing all of this together... Every step of the way I'll be there with you. I love you y/n."

"I love you too."

I couldn't help but kiss him and I felt him smile against my lips.

"Are you ready for this?"

"No but being gay means never being ready to come out... Some do it at some point and some don't."

He took my hand and placed a kiss on it once more before walking into the lunch hall while keeping his grip on my hand.

I stared at the floor feeling eyes burning into me. I was scared but I had Eddie... He makes me feel warm and safe even during life threatening moments like this.

As we sat down at the table Dustin smiled at me. Then looked at Eddie.

"No way... Did you manage to get a jock as a boyfriend?" He asked Eddie and Eddie threw a piece of food at him.

"Yeah. Why are you questioning it Henderson?"

I felt my stomach drop. I thought Eddie said they know about him being gay? What if they hate me?

"Well you're a freak and really loud and annoying and y/n... He's like so cool and chill. So how did you manage to get a badass like him?" Dustin asked and it made me smile.

"Hey you little shit. I'll have you know y/n was the first one to make a move. We started being friends outside of school and he told me he liked me. So in your face Henderson."

"That's not how I remember it love."


"No don't shush him... Tell us y/n. How did it really go?" Dustin asked.

"One night we were at Eddie's trailer listening to Iron maiden and he kissed me. Eddie pulled away and apologized profusely but I kissed him again." I stated smugly.

"And then we-"

"Shut up Eddie!" I whisper yelled.

At the end of the school day I went back to Eddie's trailer with him. I couldn't stop smiling. Eddie's friends were amazing and it felt great to tell people Eddie was my boyfriend.

"Since you aren't a Jock anymore..."

"No Eds. I won't grow my hair out and I won't wear those tight leather pants."

"Wow. I guess you don't love me then."

"Fine... I'll grow my hair to halfway down my neck and I will wear the pants now for you but only for a couple of minutes."

"Yes! C'mon!"

Eddie drags me into the trailer and straight into his bedroom. He pulls the pants out of his draw and hands them to me.

"Turn around, Munson."

"Awh come on! I wanna see you get those jeans off."

"Turn around or I won't put on the pants."

Eddie huffs but turns around slowly.

These pants were so tight that I had to take off my underwear.

"Okay you can look."

He turned around and his jaw dropped.

"You're keeping them and you're wearing them everyday."

I just laughed and kisses Eddie lovingly.

"Right... Now let's wash that hair gel out and see how long your hair is already!"

"Seriously? We were having a moment!"

"We can have more moments later."

Eddie pulls me into the bathroom and washes my hair for me. He was gentle and he massaged my head while doing so. I let out a small groan then went wide eyed realising what I had done.


"Don't pretend I haven't heard you moaning before."

God I could sense that smug smirk of his.

Once we were done Eddie brushed and dried my hair then teased it.

"You look hot."

"You're going to turn me into a rockstar aren't you?"

"Of course."

We laughed together and got into Eddie's bed and cuddled up to eachother while talking about our potential future.

"I couldn't have asked for a better man to call my own."

"I could say the same thing. I love you Eddie."

"I love you too."

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