Deceit and Devotion ༆/☮︎

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Requested: No

Warnings: bad language

Bold- Eddie
Normal-  y/n (or anyone else)

I'm a cheerleader, my boyfriend is Chance, one of the basketball players. I was your classic highschool 'it' girl. I had good grades, I'm popular and I have a popular boyfriend... Everything is perfect, you know except for the fact that I used to be a nerd and I have never felt comfortable around these people. Chance is lovely to me but he's egotistical and a bully to the 'freaks' a.k.a Eddie Munson and his D&D club. I've always been curious of Eddie, he's cool in my books and quite funny.

Speaking of Eddie he starts shouting at lunch "... But as long as your into band or science or Partiessss... Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!" He looks at me and I giggle quietly and he smiles. "You want something freak?" Jason yelled only to be answered with Eddie making some sort of devil horns while making a funny face with his tongue out, he glanced at me once more before sitting back down.

After a short while everyone was done with their food and they decided on going outside until lessons start. "Hey babe, do you want me to wait with you?" Chance coaxed while leaning on the table with one arm. "No I'm fine, you go have fun." I acknowledged, he bent down to kiss my cheek and left.

Once Chance was gone I turned to finish my food, that was until I felt a tap on my shoulder. The tap came from none other than Eddie Munson. "Oh hey Eddie. How are you?" I asked politely and smiled at him. "I'm good sweetheart, how are you?" He countered. "I'm great thanks... Is there something you need?" I asked.

"I saw you liked my little speech and considering who you are, I'd love to know why?"

"Well you are quite a show Eddie, I find you intriguing."

"Me? You find me the biggest freak in Hawkins High... Intriguing?"

"Yeah, you may have a reputation built by others but I don't think that's the real you."

"Do you want to get to know the real me? Would your boyfriend allow that?"

"He doesn't control me, if he even tried he'd lose our relationship. I'm allowed to choose my friends because I said so."

"I honestly thought you'd be a bitch but you're super nice."

"Well thank you very much, do you want to hang out sometime?"

"I'd love nothing more sugar. How about you meet me in the woods after school?"

"In the woods? Is that safe?"

"Oh no not at all but I'll be there to protect you, your majesty."

"Oh please never call me that again. I'll be there."

With that Eddie walked back to his friends and I cleaned up and went to join my 'friends' outside.

One thing to know about highschools is that word gets around fast. Really fast. Before you know it my boyfriend was poking my back with a pencil so turn to him and say "can you please stop. We can talk later." He ignored me and asked "why were you talking with the freak?" A sigh left my mouth "don't call him that. I was just speaking, like I would to most people in this school." He looked pissed. "Meet me after school and we'll talk about this." He uttered. "I have plans we can talk tomorrow." Before he could say anything else I spun back around to listen to our teacher start the lesson.

I rushed out of class and since it was the last lesson of the day I went straight into the woods and avoided anyone to make sure I wasn't seen. I came across a picnic bench and decided to sit down. I was there for a few minutes tops before I heard someone coming. "Hey. I didn't think you'd actually show."

"Well you need to drop any expectations on me as a person that you've heard from other people."

"I might once I get to know you princess."

"Stop calling me things like that. I'm nothing like a princess."

"You're a cheerleader with good grades, a popular boyfriend and rich parents. Every girl in that school wants to be you and every guy wants you... You're definitely a princess."

"I don't like being a cheerleader because I get anxious and panic attacks, my grades are only good because some jocks flirt with the nerdy girls and give us the answers to everything, my parents aren't rich they are working class. I don't want girls to be like me because I'm not even myself and those guys that want me are all dicks."

"So why are you with them?"

"So I'm not bullied by them."

"It's only bullying if you let them get to you. If you're you, you can walk around proud without a care in the world. How do you know they'd hate you if you were yourself?"

"I like having big hair and wearing leather and tops that are to revealing. I play drums and I play them loudly and aggressively. I'm a little sleazy and I love smoking and drinking vodka and whiskey. I'm everything they wouldn't like."

Eddie threw himself of the bench holding his chest dramatically. It made me gasp in shock. He got back up and I just laughed at his actions.

"Holy shit you're so cool. Why would you let them corrupt you like that?! The next time we hang out I want you to be you. I need to see y/n I don't want to see this y/n."

He gestured at me. I looked down to my hands and thought about it. I need to rebel more, I need some sort of freedom and that freedom is with Eddie.

"Okay. I have a secret place I go for some space, nobody knows about it so nobody will disturb us."

"I can't wait princess, I should go I have some deals to get to but I'll pick you up tomorrow... See ya tomorrow sugar."

The next morning I was excited to go to school. I got to see Eddie again, I probably wouldn't be able to speak to him until after but I can't wait to see that fluffy mop of hair on his head, those big brown puppy eyes and his amazing smile... Oh no. I'm not falling for someone after a day... Maybe I am. I have a boyfriend! I can't be in love with someone else when I'm with Chance. I'm snapped out of my trance when I heard a car pull up outside my house, it was Chance here to take me to school as he did every morning. I get in the car only to be met with angry eyes burning into me. "What? Are you okay?" I questioned. "No, where the fuck were you yesterday?! I waited in the car park for you but you never came out." Now I felt bad but I couldn't tell him what I was doing because he'd hunt Eddie down. "Sorry I went out the back of the school and to the local park. I was very stressed so I went for a breather. I'm sorry I left you there without saying anything." I turned the corners of my mouth up into a half smile then placed a quick kiss on his lips. He smiled and brought me into a deeper kiss. I knew a bigger web of lies were ahead of me.

•I know a it's cliff-hanger but I've left it at this because I'm going to make this into a full story. It won't be the fluffiest of stories but I'll put all warnings in the beginning. This chapter will be altered in the actual story. I hope you have a good day!! 🖤•

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