Let's Ditch, Brian May ☮︎/❀

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Requested: OldFashionedVillain_

Warnings: bad language, weed use and smut. It's also a little angsty at the end.

Normal-y/n (and anyone else)

I am bored out of my brains. School can kiss my ass. I needed to just get away so I came to this bench in the woods to just lay down here, basically I just ran away from my problem, well done y/n.

I heard some old leaves and twigs crunching, getting closer and closer. I knew exactly who it was.

"Oh my god Brian May! I'm such a big fan!"

"Fuck off."

"What? It's not exactly an insult, you just got told you look like a legendary guitarist."

"Fair enough but I don't look like him."

"Um yes you do."

"Do not."

"Shut up and accept it."

"Fine but only for you."

"Gross. Anyways what shall we do?"

"We could stay here?"

"Pfft, don't be boring. Let's go to my house. I live with my roommate but she's in that hellhole of a school right now."

"Sure let's go."

"Let's Ditch, Brian May."

"Stop calling me Brian May!"

"Never. Now come on."

Eddie and I ran to his van, I got in the passenger seat and picked up a few of his cassettes. I finally made the choice of Don't talk to strangers by Dio. (highly recommend)

"Incredible choice as always."

"Why thank you."

"Alright let's go."

With that being said we sped off in his van.

When we finally got to my house we went straight to my room. I decided to put on some more Dio on my record player and turned the volume right up. I turn to see Eddie laying sprawled out on my bed.

"Your bed is the comfiest bed ever."

"Thanks I guess."

I went over to my closet and lifted up the loose floorboard which had a locked box under it. I pull the box out and unlock it, there it was, my ready rolled blunt. I walked out and grabbed my lighter from my bedside table.

"Who's going first?"

"Me. I need it more, you are a lot to put up with."

This bitch.

"Right, just for that I'm going first."

I lit the blunt and held it between my lips then inhaled deeply. I closed my eyes and took it in for a minute.

"Alright give it here."

"No. Say sorry for wounding my heart."

I made a dramatic sad face and held my chest. Eddie just laughed a little.

"Alright, I'm so sorry for wounding you, your greatness... Now can I please have a smoke?"

"Of course."

Finally after we finished our blunt it kicked in.

"Now I'm kinda bored."


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