Why'd You Do It? ༆

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Please don't hate me 🖤

Requested: No

Warnings: Death, Bad language, Greif and Violence.

Bold- Eddie
Normal- y/n and anyone else

I'm not running away this time. I waited for y/n to get through the gate before cutting down the makeshift rope.

"Y/n, I love you sweetheart."

"I'll say it back once you get your ass back through here! Don't leave me Eddie."

"I'm not running away from it this time."

With that I left out of the trailer and onto the bike before peddling fast.

Fuck! No! No! Shit! How could he?!

"Dustin stay here... I'll get Eddie."

"What no?! I'm coming too." He said.

I didn't have time to agree or disagree so I just grabbed a chair and used it to jump through. I hurt my leg but quickly moved the mattress for Dustin then ran.

I saw the bats dragging Eddie to the floor. Everything seemed to slow down, I was running to Eddie. Without any hesitation I layed on top of him so the bats bit me instead.

Oh shit, the bats were holding my limbs down so I couldn't help her.

"Y/n... Baby... Stop please."

"I love... You too, Eds... I love-"

The bats all dropped dead and I got my breath back. I rolled y/n over and held her.

"Why'd you do it?"

"... You deserve... The world. Eddie Munson... I'll love you... Forever."

"Stay awake sugar! Please stay awake!"

I tried to lift her up but I was too weak. She gently grabbed my face and pulled it down. She kissed me, it tasted like salty tears and blood but I could still taste that familiar sweetness of her lips.

"I love you. I love you. I love you."

"I love... You more."

Her eyes stopped moving and her body went limp. That's when Dustin finally came over.

(This is in Dustin's pov.)

I ran to see Eddie holding a bloodied y/n. She was pale and very lifeless. I started crying and I ran up to Eddie, I pulled him into me and we both sat there for a minute to mourn the loss of y/n. She used to babysit me all the time and she was the kindest soul on this earth.

"It should've been me."

"Eddie, she saved you because she was that kind of person who'd sacrifice anything for her loved ones."

"I don't deserve her sacrifice."

"If she heard you say that she wouldn't be happy."

"She should be here to hear it."

"Eddie, c'mon we have to go."

"What?! I can't just leave her here!"

"If we take her back you'll be blamed for her death."

"I don't care I'm not leaving her!"


"No, it's final."

I carried a lifeless y/n to the gate and everyone was waiting there. I saw a few tears and heard a few no's.

It had been two days since the 'earthquake' and that's how y/n died... She was just known as a civilian who got in the way of a natural disaster, when really she was a hero.

She had a rope bracelet that she's worn since the first year of middle school which had her name on it.

This bracelet now sits on my wrist, I'll carry on the legacy that was y/n. She wanted to travel Europe and visit different mountains because she loved the nature and freedom of it, I'll do just that for her.

In a few days it'll be her funeral, her parents were adamant that I'd be there... They were the ones that help clear my name.

"Eddie... Y/n had us keep it a secret but for weeks she'd sit in her room working on this..." Her mother said while handing me a note and a small velvet box. I opened the piece of paper.

Dear Eddie,

I've had to put this onto paper because we both know I'm not the best when it comes to memory or words. Eddie Munson, I have loved you since I layed eyes on you. When you first showed up in maths class with that buzz cut and smiled at me I melted.

When you approached me wearing a very oversized suit that was clearly your uncles asking me to go on a date with you, holding that bunch of wild flowers you'd picked I was over the moon. Accepting that date was the best decision of my life.

That decision lead to us. My life is absolutely perfect because of you. I love playing with your hair every morning that I wake up to you and every night I lay with you, I love going to your shows and being at the front of the stage cheering you on, I love listening to metal with you, I love watching you play D&D, I love star gazing with you even though you only look at me.

What I'm getting to is that I love you. I want to spend forever with you Eds, I never want to be away from you so Eddie Munson. Will you marry me?

I was now sobbing, I could hardly breathe as I opened the box to see a fancy silver band in there. She wanted to marry me... I would give anything to spend the rest of my days with her but now that's gone.

It was now the day of her funeral and her parents wanted me to give a speech because I'm the one person she always had with her. I was nervous but I walked up to the stand, it was a closed casket because of how horrible the injuries were. I lay my hand on it before I turned to speak.

"I won't start with a hello or any introduction because we all shouldn't be here. My girl, my sweet girl is no longer with us... One thing I do know is that she'd be happy to see how many people actually came here to celebrate her life. I know she's the brightest angel up there and she'll talk everyone's ears off. Y/n was the one person on this planet who would listen to you, she would help you through thick and thin, she would give the best hugs that would make all your problems disappear. I remember first seeing her, she was this dorky chick with braces and glasses with thick black eyeliner on and nude lipstick. However, she was the prettiest person I ever layed my eyes on... That never changed. Her (your eye colour) eyes were full of peace and joy, her (your skin colour) skin was soft as anything to touch. Our first date was awkward but she tried her best to calm me down and that day she had me wrapped around her finger. I would give anything to relive that day just to see her again, y/n if you're here... I love you more than anything and I hope you're having a peaceful afterlife... Thank you."

I looked up to see everyone in awe and crying. Her parents ran up to me to hug me and I broke down in their arms.

I didn't stay for the wake, I couldn't drink or party... Not without her. I said my goodbyes to her parents then I said goodbye to my uncle.

I hopped in my van wearing her bracelet and the engagement ring. I framed the proposal letter and kept it wrapped up in my bag.

Then I left to live the life y/n desired because that's what she would've wanted. I kissed the ring and set off on 'y/n's adventure'... I lived for her.

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