You're Badass ☮︎/❀

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Requested: OldFashionedVillain_

Warnings: bad language, violence some smut at the end

"No Dustin I don't want to hear another word about it!" I yelled. This back and forth argument between Dustin and I had been going on for about 10 minutes. Why? Dustin wants me to babysit Eddie 'the freak' Munson. Eddie hated me, I never knew why but it drove me insane. "Yes y/n, we need him to be safe until we can prove he's innocent and you're so badass and I've seen how you can fight." Dustin tried to reason with me but I wasn't giving in. "Don't you dare try and butter me up! What if he did kill Chrissy?! You're about to leave me with a potential murderer!" I just couldn't take this. "It's final y/n. You won't have to stay long. Please just do this?" Steve practically begged, I really do love Steve, platonically of course. "Fine" I muttered and turned to look at the trees passing by.

We finally got to this... Drug dealers house? I don't really know who's house it is but apparently Eddie is here. We check all around the house but he isn't anywhere to be seen, thankfully. "Oh well, we can't find him. Let's go home." I started to walk towards the door only for Robin to block it. "Hey guys come look at this!" We heard Steve yell. There was a boathouse outside with a light on. Everyone ran out but I trailed slowly behind.

Long story short, Eddie was crazy and had Steve pinned to the wall and the others were trying to reason with him. I got bored of this back and forth exchange so I just walked up to Eddie and pulled him off Steve. "Stop being unreasonable you dick." I said to which Eddie just looked stunned like he'd seen a pig fly.

The group were leaving so I just waved bye to them, I sighed "this is going to be a long night." I walked back into the shed and just looked at Eddie. We made eye contact for a few moments before I spoke up "should we go back to the house because I'm definitely not staying out here." He sort of just nodded and followed me like a nervous puppy.

We were only here for like an hour but every creek of a door or the sound of leaves blowing against the house had Eddie all jumpy and shaking. "You'll be alright, I'm sorry about what happened to Chrissy but I'm here to protect you." I gently spoke as I sat near him. "Now I need to be protected by a girl. That's pathetic, I should be able to do that myself!" Eddie was being a bitch again. Yay. "You know what... All I've tried to do was be nice to you even though you hate me. Now I'm going out of my way to keep you safe and you still manage to complain! The group chose me because I shot that Demogorgon in the leg when we were trying to catch it because it was trying to attack Nancy. I batted 2 Demo-dogs off of Steve so he wouldn't die. I was the level-headed one down in that Russian base so we could get out of there alive. I am more that just a girl, I'm a survivor who has been through more shit than you couldn't even comprehend." I finally let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. "Y/n I don't ha-" he was cut off by the sound of cars pulling up. The basketball team. "Stay here okay? I'll take care of this." With that I went outside to talk to them. "Y/n... What are you doing at a drug den?" Jason asked. "I do house cleaning on the side." I sarcastically replied. "Yeah well don't mind me I need to clean up my own mess." He said trying to get past me so I pushed him back by the shoulder. "Yeah no, that's not gonna happen." I punched him square in the jaw which knocked him to the ground. The other members of his cult came running at me. Oh great.

Luckily for me their bark is bigger than their bite. It got a bit too much so I picked up a plank of old wood and hit a some of them away which they all scrambled back to their cars. "Y/n, the cops will know you're protecting a murderer." Jason threatend so I reply in a bitchy tone "choke on your own piss."

I walk back inside with a few cuts and scrapes but nothing too bad. "That was incredible... Thank you." Eddie has never been nice to me so this was a strange interaction. "Careful Eddie, you might stop hating me." I smirked at him and he smirked right back. "I never hated you, I just don't know how to go about talking to a girl I like." Oh please is he being serious?! "You're kidding? You even look at me in disgust!" How did he reply to that? He hugs me... He's hugging me and I hugged him back?! What am I doing?

"I really want to kiss you but I don't want to overstep a boundary" he whispered sweetly in my ear. "I don't have boundaries." I look up at him and he leans in and kisses me with a slight smile on his lips. His hands travel down and squeezes my ass hard. Which makes me part my lips to gasp but before any air could come out of my mouth he slides his tongue in. There was no need to fight for dominance, he can have me. He frantically pulled all my clothes of and stares in thought "you look like you could be a goddess." He says more to himself. I snickered and shook my head a little "get ya clothes off Munson or I'll get mine back on." I've never seen someone strip down so fast he then pulled us both down onto the sofa and we both started making out hard. Our teeth clashed and tongues in each others mouth. Our hands were all over the others body as if we were trying to remember each soft spots and goosebumps. "Do you have a condom?" I ask and he get up and walks around the house until he found one and thankfully it fit him.

He crawls back over me and pushes some of my hair out of my face and asks "are you ready?" So I nod yes "I need you to use your words my love." He said very seriously which I liked because it showed he cared. "Yes Eddie. I'm ready." I reply and then he slowly slides in and it had burning sensation to it but it was such a nice pain. That pain soon faded into pure ecstasy and anything other than Eddie turned into a blur. He had a quick and  unsteady pace to his thrusts and the grip on my waist was tight. I held onto his shoulders for support and I started to move my hips to match his pace.

After a little while I started to feel a knotting feeling in my stomach. "Eddie I'm gonna-" but I was too late warning him as my body already let go and after a few seconds Eddie did too.

"That was amazing. I really do like you y/n. I promise." I was honestly too tired to reply properly so I mumbled out "I like you too" before drifting off to sleep.

I woke up first the next day but left Eddie to sleep because it's the only peace he's had in a while. I got dressed but made sure to cover Eddie up with a blanket. Then I heard a car pull up so I rushed to the window. Shit. It was the group. "Eddie! Eddie hurry up and get dressed." I threw his clothes at him and he scurried to get them on but just as he was shirtless and buttoning up his pants the group walked in all with their mouths hanging open. "Not. A. Word." I said and they all listened. I look to Eddie to see him with the most smug look I've ever seen. "You too." I said.

• I'm now just realising that I don't know any 'insult' that doesn't sound too British, my bad 😬🖤•

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