chapter one; unfortunate reunion

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Walking through the dreaded hallways, Alana shoved through the many crowds gossiping in the halls; their conversations quietening as she trudges past. Alana was the Queen of Hawkins High, and people were sure to know that.

Her royalty came with pros and cons; the pros consisting of boys practically falling at her feet whenever she passed. But the biggest con to her royalty was the person sharing it with her.

Steve Harrington.

The boy that every girl swooned over. The boy that had a bigger ego than anyone; even her.

Steve knew about the hatred she felt towards him, and to him the hatred was mutual. Because of this they both made it their missions to make the others life miserable.

And they both knew how to do it.

Alana's way of making Steve's life a misery was interrupting every single interaction he had with a girl, especially at parties. Steve thrived on his charm with girls, so Alana made sure that that charm was always short lived.

Steve's way was similar, but he wanted to ensure that whenever he was around her she was miserable. He would constantly tease her around the schools, parties etc. This clearly agitated Alana, and Steve loved it.

This had started when they were freshmen, and had dragged all the way up to their Junior year.

"Hey Alana!" A random boy she didn't know the name of called. She turned, giving them a small smile, before continuing her path towards her locker where her best friend Helena was waiting.

"Alana, Oh my god! You will never guess who's gotten even more gorgeous over break!" She squealed, running over to her best friend in excitement.

"Let me guess.." Alana opened her locker, placing her finger over her lips as if she was thinking hard about what her response should be.

"Whore Harrington?" She laughed, grabbing her books for her first period, ignoring the agitated frown quickly growing on Helenas face.

"Ugh, I don't get how you hate him. Look at him! He is literally the man of my dreams!" Helena stressed, shaking her hands around in exaggeration.

"Uh huh..right. Hey Helena?" Alana turned her focus to her friend, staring intently at her face.

"Yeah?" She furrowed her eyebrows, confused at her friends sudden seriousness.

"I think you got a bit of drool there on your lips.." Alana dragged her words, placing her thumb near her friends lips as if she was wiping the not existent dribble falling down her face. Helena scoffed, the friends laughing at the idiocy of their conversation when a sudden shout is heard from across the hallway.

"Alana! God I missed your sweaty face." The King of Hawkins High rushed over, as if he had been rehearsing this interaction in his head for months.

"Harrington! I can say the same for the nits in your hair. How many is that? 1,2,3..." She counted, Steve scoffing at the remark.

"You know you missed me darling." He smirked, winking at her as he continued walking down the hallways.

"Go fuck yourself Harrington!" She scoffed, adrenaline flowing through her as she slammed her locker shut.

"Fuck me yourself Alana!" He shouted down the halls, turning his face away from her and laughing with his friends.

"God he's such a prick!" Alana screamed through her teeth, every bone in her body craving to go over to him and slap him in the face.

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