17. Submission can fuck right off.

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"Thank you, babe." Sudais showed gratitude by nodding and gripping the plate of sandwiches before placing it on his lap. A hand stretched towards him with a can of chilled Schweppes and he took his gaze off his phone to the figure and rose a brow. "Cup?" The closed can was released and it went tumbling down his white kaftan-covered chest to the floor.

"I was going to bring it but now that you asked, you can go get it yourself." The woman in brown lace Buba seethed, walking away.

Sudais glanced at Tahir who was trying hard to conceal his laughter and hissed. He set the plate aside to tail the woman who had walked out on him and found her in the melted butter-scented kitchen along with another woman: Aisha, Tahir's girl, sorting out platters and cups.

Aisha got the memo and picked up two platters on her way out.

He stepped further while his gaze followed the woman out before he turned. "Simi, you know I don't appreciate you defying me, especially in front of people."

The clanks of ceramic against the marble surface hitched. She gripped the edges of the marble and took a deep breath. "I don't appreciate un-appreciative people too." She turned around, only to grip the marble behind her to at least have something to hold onto so she did get into a fight with him while they were at his friend's place.

His hard expression fluttered, palms rising as he walked to her. "I...am sorry about that."

She shrugged, turning to the platters. "You better be."

He placed his chin atop of her head and encircled his arms under her bosom. "You look so good today."

Simi paused, twisting to find the corners of his lips lifted. She lifted her hand until it found a home on his sideburns down his low-cut beard. "You're going to be boasting in just a few seconds, but you look good too."

His shoulders rose, his smile broadening. "I know, i look good. I always do. I mean-" the back of Simi's elbow hit his chest and he let out a mock wince.

She shook her head, resuming work. "See?"

He went to protest but his ringtone cut him. He brought his hand up and slightly narrowed his eyes at the caller Id. His eyes had to be lying. To prove them right or wrong, he excused himself from the kitchen and swiped the FaceTime call to answer.

"Ha'an ango ba! Kaga se wani kyau ma kakeyi, duk auren nen hakan?"

He scoffed, shaking his head at the ridiculousness. "Auren da ko matar ban gani ba, wani kyau zan qara. Spare me." He slumped on the couch opposite Tahir.

His eyes widened when the FaceTime camera from the other side was rolled out, "Mama! I didn't know you guys were together. Yaushe kikaje Yola, Maijidda?" The phone was rolled back to the front camera and handed to his mum who gave him a tired smile. They proceeded with pleasantries and went on about how they were in Borno, Maiduguri, his mum's hometown for condolences.

The door to the kitchen banged close, compelling him to snap in the direction to see Simi emerging from it.

"Who's there with you? Are you not home?"

Sudais shook his head, moving his phone to his left hand. "I'm at Tahir's place, we're hanging out."

"Oh! Where is he?"

Sudais rolled his camera at Tahir. The man waved a hand at the camera and Sudais made the mistake of surveying the room and it caught Simi on the couch adjacent to him.

"Q hunak? (Who's there?)"

Sudais returned to the front camera and scrunched up his face. "Who's what?"

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